Tree of Savior Forum

What your opinion about these Chronomancer builds?

I’m thinking to make a Chronomancer build.
I know Cryo c3 is the best way of support, but I don’t need to be a slave of someone to level up. I want to solo when no one of my friends is online, so I make two builds.

Offensive Chronomancer

Less pain to solo Chronomancer

Newbie here, but i think that the first build may have problems with dmg in late game. Second build is imo much more viable, but mostly in parties - cc, buffs + rather low dmg certainly allows soloing safe, though not so fast - with bosses, esp late game it will be probably pain in the … doing it alone - should shine in groups. Though i can be wrong :wink:

Wizard> Pyro 3 > Chrono 3 is quite popular build. Similar to your first build, but it seems to me level 1 linker is inferior to pyro 3.

Someone have more suggestions?

The cookie cutter Chronos are either Wiz1>Cry1>Link2>Chrono3 or Wiz1>Cry3>Chrono3.

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In the first build you mentioned is Cry2 or link 2?

Ops, I wrote it wrong. It’s link2. Because Cry2 doesn’t do that much for you. Link2 on the other hand gives you the buff share which is pretty potent stuff and the much needed extra links.

There is also a bit more fringey auto-attack build that does pry1(for enchant fire for extra procs)/link2/Chrono which is excellent trio with a chap and QS for running shot buff sharing. Get to use things like toy hammer with that one. And you can build an entire comp around it.

link2 for buff share is really worth it?
I build with pyro 2 and link 1 for the enchant fire lvl 10.
The stats of this build still int or str?

up for more opinions

EDITED: I currently play the 2nd build you posted but instead of cyro i went Pyro. I love it, wouldn’t do it any other way. Psy c1 is awesome , especially in pvp. My combo in pvp is > Stop> Flame ground and fire pillar, use telekensis right away after stop is over and watch your enemy sit there for 8 seconds under your aoes and melt away.

You can also use Sleep and set up aoes and use telekensis to hold your opponent in it. PVE is awesome , PP and fireball is still an awesome burst combo if you place the fireball in a correct stop where it wont bounce away with PP, the burst is insane. So far I’m only lvl 142 so I don’t have a review on C3 chrono yet but I’m sure things just get better and better. I also I went rod/arde dagger, and maxed out fire enchant buff and quicken, my normal attacks are really fast and clear flying mobs fast. Pair it was a Sacrament buff and you spamming auto attacks doing 3 seperate damages really fast… It’s neat.

Well Good Luck on your choice.

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@dldevoted may I ask what your stat allocate for the build you are playing? kinda of looking into play the 2nd build above, currently still reading on the class ><

Yes, buff shares are fairly powerful. Albeit have to have the right classes to make use of it. Probably more importantly you get more links. Late game you’re going to be doing larger pulls. The more links you have the better. In a 5 man group you’re going to provide a lot more with Link2 then Pry2.

Also your party is going to be timing attacks with your hangman’s knot. A tank will generally taunt a big pack. A pack your party would normally not have the AoE ratio to hit with their AoEs. When you use your attributed hangman’s it removes the AoE defense. Letting everyone hit your linked targets for free and the rest of the targets that were unlinked will take what’s left of their AoE attack ratio. Giving them an extra second to react to the hangman’s or set off another attack is useful. When you’re fighting mobs with high HP pools… Like a pack of Larges.

Enchant Fire doesn’t do much. It has relatively full uptime at 5. It’s radius is also tiny… Ironically… it’s better to have LinkC2 to fix it’s problems. The sharing makes it apply to all party members… Without forcing everyone to stack on one space to rebuff every min or two. Which is fairly impractical while in the middle of fighting or when roaming. Does require that people aren’t twits though. The buff share link can be broken if people don’t space correctly. Enchant fire is basically useful as a buff to use with Priest and Chaps since it will proc another application of blessing.

So a build with pyro>linker2>chrono3 seems a good way to go.
I don’t have the Freeze from cryo but I will have some damage to pve with pyro.
Its good to go 2:1 int:con or 2:1 con:int?

In the current 280 cap. Int means fairly small portion of your overall damage. When you’re leveling with terrible gear… It’ill mean more… But as you continue to get better and better gear the amount of damage your Int contributes to your overall damage will become more and more minor.

So at 280… Right now… I’d lean towards Con heavier builds for a Chronomancer. I imagine even if I do a matk build I’m going to be using one of these: which means melee. Which means need more Con to use it without getting gibbed. So again… Heavier Con build is more justified.

Here is this thing though… Years from now when we’re rocking level 400 content or something… The stacking of Int is probably going to be a thing because of the way the formula gives you bonuses for stacking Int or Str % per rank and higher bonuses as your stat gets bigger. But as of level 280 max. Int just doesn’t provide a significant bonus to end game damage compared to getting yourself some decent HP. And it makes even less sense for you to worry about Int on a build that doesn’t have much justification to stack it…

As a link/chrono you basically got your autos with that staff… And links. And flame ground is your only means of applying matk. Which is contributing but it’s not comparable to the Wiz/Ele, doppel or archer thing you’re going to be supporting.

tl;dr I’d so go heavy Con enjoy being able to take a couple more hits in end game content. Healing is largely % based so HPs great. And most of your matk will be gear anyway.

P.S. Imagine Running shot buff with that staff. Cause you listened to Raspy and got the buff share.

So, in your opinion, pyro doesn’t make difference in this link/Chrono build?
Que rank 2 is “OK” or there are a better choice of class (like cryo or wizz2)?

I choose pyro to make my pve not too hard to solo.

Wiz2? No don’t do that… You can’t cast channel spells.

Cryo/Link2? It gives you a little CC. And best synergy with Archer parties.

If you do Cry3>chrono3 you have synergy with another common build… Which is Wiz3/Cry3/Runecaster. And you fit into Ice parties… Mmm let me give you a link to an ice party video:
Basic idea to that composition is you stack a few Rune Casters that have Ice Rune. Make sure it’s always up and all the ice spells do mad DPS. And you don’t need any Wiz/Ele or archer or doppel things in the party. Heck you don’t even need traditional tanks. You could just stack Cry/Runecasters and Cry/Chronos.

Ok, you help me with more doubts haha
I asking about the rank 2 because I planned to get linker 2 for more utility (join penalty and soul link) for parties but this ice party in this vídeo seems awesome, now I don’t know if I’ll regret to get linker 2 and not cryo 3.

Liker 2 seems more utility but cryo 3 seems better to pve/pvp

with Cryo c2 & Psycho 1 there is the combo which make fighting bosses faster.

How do you think it’ll far for soloing but going for cryo c3 instead?