Tree of Savior Forum

What you think about sorcerer?

hey everyone:)
i want to take sorcerer next beta but i no sure what build to use?
i be glad if someone can help me:)
i think to take wizard>Cryomancer>linker c2>Sorcerer c2>Featherfoot or take c3 sorc
what you think?

and what about the summon? how its work?
It affected by the char stats and eq?

its strong after all?( i see no too much skills to use if i go on cryomancer c1 and linker c2…)

Its good for solo player? (I mean the sorcerer summon)

its can be useful for guild war/pvp 5vs5?( i mean the Sorcerer summon)

i no check that class on the 2nd close beta so i no know i be glad if someone can tell me about Sorcerer

ty :slight_smile:

move topic to class and rank wizard.

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i think to take wizard>Cryomancer>linker c2>Sorcerer c2>Featherfoot or take c3 sorc what you think?
-I don’t like cryo linker it so useless.

and what about the summon? how its work?
It affected by the char stats and eq?
-just read the skill description by yourself.

its strong after all?( i see no too much skills to use if i go on cryomancer c1 and linker c2…)
-DPS is average. Sorc c3 TS alone dealing damage around 4-6k aoe. If you know it suck Then why still?

Its good for solo player?
-Very good.

its can be useful for guild war/pvp 5vs5?
-Yes very strong.

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I like their lack of clothes and their sado tendencies with pet usage :3

it takes a special kind of whipping to make a boss obey :3

ehem! but we are here for gameplay… advice, don’t take Sorcerer unless you are 100% sure you will go Circle 2 OK…

sorcerer start weak but get stronger…

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Based in my experience (I played a wizard>cryo3>sorc>necro lvl 180 as alt in the last beta) I will say it won’t work well. Cryo is usless at rank 1, you should probably go for cryo 3 if you want it in your build. Now, Cryo and Sorc have an awful synergy since demon’s ai sucks and he will be attacking your ice wall most of time, Linker and Sorc works great together, also Linker and Cryo works really good, but not as much as Cryo and Chrono.

Honestly I don’t really see Sorc as a good class, necromancer is way better if you are looking for summons. But combine Sorc and Featherfood sounds nice since Summon Servant lvl5 will buff your Dark Attack, but that is the only pro I found.

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ty everyone sorry i no know how reply more then one…

ty hmm i think about that maybe

go cryo c1 for make Chance to freeze with Ice Bolt. ice Pike. Ice Blast.
or Pyromancer i not sure…

Psychokino c2 it can be nice with the teleports (Teleportation (lv5).Swap (lv1).)
Magnetic Force(lv5).Telekinesis (lv10),Psychic Pressure(lv9). i think its nice skills

and sorc c2

and Featherfoot for hp or Warlock for more skills or Chronomancer?(Chronomancer for Quicken lv5. Slow lv5 . Stop lv5)

one more edit XD Necromancer can be good for summoner set but c1 its good for Necromancer?

if someone have better build i glad if share its hehe:)

Don’t QQ after you use summon hehe. You should check the other sorcerer’s feedback regarding summon’s AI and skills. If you think you can handle it, go for it.

As for your build, you can go either pyro or psychokino. If you’ll choose psychokino make sure to go C2. Your build should be Psychic pressure 10, Telekenesis 10, Magnetic force 5, tele 4 and swap 1.

I have tried sorcerer with chronomancer class last beta test. Your summons can get quicken (summon devil and that small red ball of fire salaimon). But the effect to them is unnoticeable. Slow is just for debuff and stop is a life saver. Also, command skills for summons were moved to c2, so if you can play sorc without those command go for chrono. If not, go for c2 sorc. Don’t go for c3 sorc.

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what the problem with the ai?

This is one of my favorite sorcerer builds:

If you like cryokino, a build like this would be very good:

Do not just get Necro at R7. If you prefer necro to sorcerer, this is my favorite necro build:

If you aren’t interested in linker, this necro is also good:

P.S. Sorcerer C3 can be substituted for Warlock or Featherfoot if you want. Have fun!

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ty ! :slight_smile:


2 more dd skills,a little stronger demon,bats,salamion

The bats in c3 is good, the othr one that explodes your grimoire is absolutely trash

unless theres a source of it doing at least 30k