Tree of Savior Forum

What Tree of Savior has to improve?

Okay, guys, let each of your constructive criticism and their idea that IMC should do to improve the game.

Please without things like, “horrible game”, “■■■■ this ■■■■”, etc… Constructive criticism guys!

I think they should improve the balance of classes, not to have these “meta builds”.
And have more things to do in the end game, and solve the bugs.

This game is ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■.

I made my points clear, done XD.




speed of development.

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(same reply at another thread cuz i had not noticed this thread)

I would rather expect some seasonal server (temporary server with grindless setting) like what kTOS launched or temporary leagues in path of exile :

Optimization, bugs/exploits, balance, endgame content. They’re making progress but the game was released too early, they’re still adding things that should’ve been in at launch and the game’s mechanical state is unreasonably unsound for a released piece of software that’s been available for months.

A lot of things seem like they should be quite simple to add and flesh out the game further and yet progress extremely slowly - for example, new quests in higher level maps are trickling in when they should take very little work, same with a wider variety of level 220-270 items.

Optimization is a big issue and understandably takes a lot of time and effort to improve when the game was simply built from the ground up on a flawed foundation with severe engine limitations from a threading and networking standpoint, but serious gamebreaking bugs persisting for months is unacceptable. Parties still break the game when questing after over a month.

1- IMC being more transparent and talkative towards their playerbase.
2- IMC being more vigilant towards possible exploits or gamebreaking glitches.
3- ToS having a feature that rewards players for picking classes that other character in the same lodge already has in its build.
4- Balancement, the game is currently based on whoever has the highest amount of damage ticks.
5- Community being more mature.
6- Giving bosses more uniqueness, they either do nothing or one shot you.

Nothing, just close it and re-open after 1 year or more with all the fixes, balances and a decent client.

Optimizations aside, I think it needs more interaction between players. Simple things like wedding, fishing, parties, something like a ropleplay that unites the community. Not just the “Oh, I need to get stronger” or “I need that epic armor because I need to be better than others” thing. It’s cool, but gets boring with time if we don’t have other things to do and have fun.

In other MMOs you stop in the city without doing anything after going on daily dungeon to get your epic item.
I would find it cool if I had more than that, something fun and interactive to do.

I don’t want only the option of killing monsters, doing dungeons or going PVP. If I want to spend a day fishing, it is what I want. If I want to be a priest performing a marriage cerimony, I will do, etc.
I think these things would be fun.

Hope you guys understand what I meant :slight_smile:

  • Optimize (FPS, netcode)
  • Fix bugs and exploits
  • More content and balances.

Like what others have said, optimization should take priority as it is the key aspect which makes a lot of players drop the game.

And then watch it break again because they learned nothing. s:

First of all, Optimization and bug fixing should honestly be a priority. What’s the point of the features of the game if everyone slugs through them like fighting tar? Small bugs are one thing like skill descriptions being slightly off, but ones that deliberately hinder the experience of things should honestly be put on full blast.

Once the optimization and breaking game bugs would be fixed and the game atleast runs on say a 20~30 FPS standpoint in crowded areas such a WBs, GvGs and Towns on a mid-tier computer device, the next logical progression would be more content. Content can be alot of things; balancing, new unexplored lands, new modes, and even new classes and such. However, generally having one or two things that people can do without level limit and can scale through the other content updates would be nice.

  • Character based things, such as Releases and Balancing to promote healthy character progression and themes.

  • World based things, such as further involvement in the areas and story. Certain recurring things such as an Tower Defense/Endless Gauntlet mode or even a Boss Rush mode would be good ideas of replayable content.

  • Social based things, like Marriage, Party based modes such as Party Boss hunting, Fishing, Factions, etc.

  • Management based things, such as more GMs and goddamn moderators for their forum, jfc.

Most of the development of the game will be circling between content updates and fixing things that may break with said content updates. Beyond that, perhaps revamping certain aspects of the game such as story or the queue system would go more last on the menu and happen when they want to happen.


/\ this 1000 times this

Its toxic community. xD

I kid I kid. :stuck_out_tongue:

nothing this game is perfect



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If I’m given just 1 wish in my lifetime for this game, it’d be…


i think theres alrdy like 9 zillion of these kind of threads

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