Tree of Savior Forum

What Tree of Savior has to improve?

Dont be physically melee … they suck atm …maybe till in the future

Skill animation and effects especially on swordsman. I hope that IMC will be more creative with skill animations like raining swords, or having this cool sword wave, etc. Coz right now it’s too plain.

Ystd i was talking with ppl of my guild. I’m going to play Twin Saga tomorow so they said: ‘‘No, ToS is nice, stay with us’’.

ToS is nice but i don’t see much future on it, not now. I’m going to test Twin and probably i’m going to play more Pokémon GO. For Now ToS is repetitive, everyday the same mission, same dungeon and same drop (talt):stuck_out_tongue:

Hope the game get better on future, its a nice game at all.

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Optimization is above it all, if it means they need to put several months into fixing netcode or their drawing calls then so be it, but tell us about it being done.

The silence and empty patches for several weeks now, tells me, they don’t care enough, or too scared to be upfront about their troubles.

Apart from this and my desire to enjoy playing swordsman I have effectively stopped playing for now. I can’t enjoy what they act like is balanced just fine, not in need of fixing or rebalancing. I get the message. Let me know when its time to come back full time :confused:

I still have faith, they will fix the game and bring more players.
Praise the sun guys :raised_hands:

I’m still waiting for yours and Helga’s boss cards to come into our database. The one Wizard I’d like to make and I can’t because Templeshooter is ungodly boring. s:

But yeah, the problem is they’re working at their own pace: Which isn’t a bad thing, but we have absolutely no clue where they’re goi-

New Unwanted Restriction!

We don’t know their thought process right now.