Tree of Savior Forum

What to do with kino3

So I just started a new wizard and got to Kino3. The damage is not great as some of you mentioned, but this class is so fun! Massive crowd control XD

I think I’m gonna go cryo3-kino3-runecaster. In your opinion, what would be a good fit/synergy for rank 8 and 9? Doesn’t have to be meta build, just anything that “best fit” the cryo-kino.

I’m full INT btw.

Thanks a bunch.

This is a problem for most who went cryo 3 kino 3 RC before rank 9.

If you are going cryo 3 then try to form 4x4 icewall.

If you decide to go down the same build path then maybe try wiz 2 for rank 9. But if you want sustain dps then go sorc 1 and switch to full spr. Sorc is a very good single rank filler because of how well summons scale with weapon attack and spr.

I decided to take out runecaster and go enchanter 2 but also made some adjustments into cryo 3 kino 2 wiz enchanter 2. I plan on taking runecaster at rank 10.

Best choice will probably only be Sorc2 or Enchanter2. Need either one for sustained dps options since you will not be getting any of that from cryokino.

Unfortunately this means there is no room for rune caster/rune of ice synergy.

Thanks all.

Well I should have gone full SPR instead of INT…
Might as well do featherfoot for HP recover…

I will go full Featherfoot in the future cause it is the natural evolution of it…

no idea if it’s a good idea, but it’s my idea :smiley: