Tree of Savior Forum

What happened to shadowmancer?

Shadowmancer used to be a popular class. I think it was top 10 before the wizard patch. Seems like it is getting less popular and the ranking is dropping every week.

Did something happened in the patch that made them weaker? Still have a few resetted wizard from the patch. If shadowmancer got nerfed, I may choose another build…

A lot of people hopped on the Onmyoji train.

It was a popular pick because of how high the skill factors are, plus the amount of overheat on the 2 shadow skills. It was also a really easy class to use in tbl since shadow thorn has a pretty long range and instantly hits your target twice.

People realized how sp hungry the class is for farming as well as the fact that shadow thorn only hits once on flying enemies so most people dropped it. There’s also the nerf in tbl where thorn only hits once regardless if the enemy is on the ground or not, reducing its overall damaging capabilities.

SM pretty bad without Linker. even with linker, I think it overshadowed by FF, since FF can heal.
People use them because they were new before.

huh im still playing my sorc-necro-hybrid shadowmancer and i love this build ;x

I think their worst feature is their weakness against flying type mobs X(
I’m surprised psycho-shadowmancer is a not popular combination…

I was playing a Linker3>Sorc2>SM2 but it felt really lackluster. I mean, SM skills are cool and all, but imo they’re too single target for a wizard class

cough, FF. 20 char

thats why im playing pyro2>sorc2>thauma1>necro1>shadow2 my summons +pyroskills are aoe and my shadow is a boss killer :slight_smile:

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I can see how that would work well, but it wasn’t what I was looking for in my shadow. If only Shadow Condensation wasn’t so weird…