Tree of Savior Forum

What happend to bots and gold sellers ban?

Seriously IMC WTF , do u even try ? mochia forest is soo full of bots , everywhere there is bots , i reported before like 200 bots and i didn’t see their names in banning list. not a single one, they all lvl100+ they ruin the quests all channels have bots , can barely find a monster to kill for quest, people are struggling to finish a quest for god sake do something


Do something IMC! I can work for you for 1$ per hour and I will be more effective than the current GMs.

LOL true they ask players to do the translation why not hire them for getting rid of the bots.

if imc really bans them then how come they reach lv 100+, i smell bs

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some bot has been reported repeatedly, IMC do nothing.

i made topic about bots too, its seems imc isnt trying hard enough if they are trying at all. those bots were killing mobs with 1st lvl bow killing lvl60 mobs, there was like 5 of them and mobs were not able to hit them. its annoying and ruining the game + no reports/new from IMC about progress is simply nerve wracking. while we get restrictions on trade/market etc.

IMC we want a solution , lets try to keep this topic alive maybe a gm will read it at least