Tree of Savior Forum

What goes best with enchanter?

I just need a tie breaker of some sort. I’m deciding among 3 enchanter builds, and I am hoping you guys with experiences can share your thoughts on which one you prefer.

Wiz-pyro-linker2-chrono3-enchanter2, full SPR.
Enchant fire gives another line of attack, which synergizes well with the AA of enchanter’s lightning hand. Linker also turns small area of AA into somewhat AoE.

Wiz-cryo3-chrono3-enchanter2, full SPR.
Also AA-oriented, but with frost pillar and ice pike to freeze mobs that boosts lightning attacks.

Wiz-cryo3-kino3-enchanter2, full INT.
Less AA-oriented and more of a crowd control type. Freezing mobs and use gravity pole (lightning attribute).

I have problems with all 3.

The links will break fast on this due to the nature of AA (and chrono). May as well not have them

Froster lord cards will do what all 3 ranks of cryo will do. 1 card vs 3 ranks.

Kino skills mostly channel, that means no AA from enchanter.

All in all, build 1 is the least problematic for me though.

o.O?! Huh… I thought the ones I mentioned are quite standard. Alright then, I guess I will now ask how you guys would build an enchanter2.

I’ve got Wiz1-Pyro2-Elem2-Sorc2-Ench2 on my main. Summons are Froster Lord, morph-able into Mirtis. Can solo up to cm5 on epheretao coast. Only tried soloing cm6 once, and it didn’t go well – ended up using 10 small HP elixirs just to get to the boss with 30 seconds left in the clock.

It’s a bit a hassle having no Surespell, since Electrocute is my second biggest aoe dps contributor after Flame Ground + Flare. But having Fire Pillar helps me last longer in CM since it’s a 10-second cc against both normal and elite mobs, so both that and Mirtis’s autoattacks give me the window to cast the Elem skills.

For bosses, I swap back to Frosty, activate Magic Shield, and rely solely on Riding skills, AA, and Storm Dust for single-target dps.

The AA enchanter build I use is similar to the type 3, with 2 key differences, trade Cryo3 for Cryo1 Sorc2. SPR build.

Reason for going sorc 2 is that it provides a +5 aoe attack ratio via the cat buff. It also provides summons to help attack the monsters while I’m channeling gravity pole.

Having Kino3 magnetic force + ice pike makes it easy to gather monsters together to burst down with lightning hands too.The only problem is the lack of a good single target attack that can burst bosses down, perhaps I’m just lacking in matk as I’m still using a +11 Windia with no transcendence.

best enchanter build for me: pyro2>thauma3>sorc1>ench2

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1st build is okay for supporting parties especially those with AA builds but not great because link 3 thauma 3 RC builds are now meta supports.

2nd build i find to be lack luster because its cryo 3 with no other class to support it well

3rd build is pretty okay and good for locking down mobs. you need to have quick fingers to cast icewalls and use pp combo.

i went pyro 3 chrono 3 enchanter 2.
and i think it beats the 2nd build because im using froster lord cards. If I use flame ground and fire pillar, They tick very fast such that mobs get frozen. This is a cc on its own and has very little down time compared to frost cloud.

I went 360 spr, the rest into con with dex+con gear. You dont want to go full spr because there is a cap at 360 spr where your chrono skills dont get any more bonuses from spr

Pyro2 works because firepillar just does so much and doesn’t “hinder” your AA. Wiz2-ff1 also works if you want some non pot healing. Wiz2-thau1 works as well because magic missile was moved to wiz2 (down from wiz3) and swell left arm doubles magic missile damage. Magic missile’s fast execution time doesn’t “hinder” your AA as well. RC builds work because of the mario function. Chrono over all is good.

Pyro2 gives firepillar and enchant fire. Chrono3 for your usual chrono support. You can take ele1 for prominence and fire property: explosion if you want.

Wiz2-thau1 gives you super magic missile. You can take thauma to c3 for full SPR builds. Add in RC for mario build or ff for healing.

It kinda depends on what you want to build.

Build 1: This is a good build for AA. Pyro enchant fire to get extra line of damage+chrono quicken and haste+lightning hand = AA spamming machine. If you want an AA build, go for this.

Build 2: This is good for CC+pass support. Enchanter just gives you an option to spam lightning hands AA during the downtime. Enchant lightning boost part damage on chilled enemies i think?

Build 3: This is the build I personally use. Purpose is to use enchant lightning to buff part for the same reason above. Reason I chose this is because I don’t have a Kino and I love Kino’s new skills. Plus the added effect of lightning attribute to PP+GP on frozen enemies. The crowd control is great as well. Also, Ice Wall+PP combo.