Tree of Savior Forum

What family name did ya'll get?

I ended up getting my wanted name of ‘Skyscarr’ :smiley:

Stoked to hopefully get to play after work tonight. :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone took my “Ender” so I just had to type Chrno xD

What about licenceless rider!?

If nothing else works for you guys go with standart realnames nobody else would take in a videogame. Like :Müller,Schulz,Bauer,Nyguen,Jefferson,Lamperouge…eh wait :open_mouth:

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/20 Charcccccccc

Team Name: Rubellite


  1. Aeilith
  2. Ruuj
  3. Soriyu
  4. Aseridith

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I’m so tempted to check if “Peanutbutterjellytime” is taken on Orsha :confused:
Edit: Nvm not enough space :confused: Oh well whatever

Im Out. Literally :kissing:

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My team name that I used in both iCBTs got stolen (Rothschild), so I went with Wakfu classes for my team name.

Sacrier on Klaipeda and Ecaflip on Fedimian.

I actually saw the person with that Team Name :frowning:

I wanted Reaper but it was taken so i got ShadowFrost

Most of my characters name got taken, even being one of the first players to get on the servers, still I ended up getting a nice name.


Got what I wanted, Magica, but I did go for it at launch :slight_smile:
On Klaipeda

I got really excited, managed to somehow get connected right away and got the family name “Liddell”

Now I’m leveling my wizard, Alice! :heart_eyes:

I got PioPico which is the name I was hoping for since it exactly matches my alias. I wasn’t sure if it was possible to use upper case letters after the first letter but it worked. :smile_cat:

I got Scythe, was worth waiting the extra 4 hours x_x


last 2 from The Bastard Executioner~ XD