Tree of Savior Forum

What do you guys think of this wiz3>kino3 build?

CD, long preparation time, easily get interrupted and the wall sometimes hinder your teammates too.

wouldnt it ease up once you get magic missle? im now seriously considering cryo2>kino3>lock route because of the pain and suffering with going wiz3

oh thats true too. but cryo2 has more cc compared to wiz3>kino3. ugggh decsions are so hard to make.

ur also competing for dps spot as wiz3>kino3 right? but if you go cryo2>kino3 ur getting the cc spot

Ice wall + PP won’t help you that much in solo.
It’s a good tool for boss, but well, can you really go without quickcast scaling for warlock later ? More than it, you definatly NEED surespell atleast, it’s heaven for psycho later, and the casting speed from quickcast is good for warlock too (channeling aren’t affected by this, there was a rumor on forums, i’ve done some test, the ticks are exactly the same (not harder, not faster), only the %damage buff from quickcast attribute is involved in channeling spells)

More CC… well when you unlock gravity pole + raise, dungeons monster don’t even touch the floor once. Psycho c3 is already a huge CC machine, it could be very good with Cryo, but you’d loose ton of damages. More than it, you NEED wiz 2 atleast, only for surespell. I know it’s hell, you can do it other way if you want to go Cryo, it could be like Wiz c1 -> Cryo c1 -> Wiz c2 -> Psycho c3 or something like that.
Problem is, if you don’t have surespell, you’ll have to be in a safety zone, all the time. I’m yet having issues with bumps, i couldn’t imagine playing my psycho without the surespell :smiley:

true, icewalll + pp might not do much in solo as its good for boss and pvp only.

well at the same time, if you have that much number of control you should be able to cc the whole map or somethign right? i dunno though. i see more cryokino videos but have yet to see a wiz3>kino3 video

Magic missile is a game changing skill, it’s true. But the fact is, you’ll have still some trouble. It will be better, but not great. On the other hand, early psycho c1 gives you good base damage scaling on your psychic pressure :slight_smile:
From my experience :
Wiz c1 -> Meh
Wiz c2 -> Hell
Wiz c3 -> Finally a little bit of damage
Psycho c1 -> Decent
Psycho c2 -> Hell
Psycho c3 -> God mod.


that’s how im feeling right now and the hell part is raelly hell. O_O

So if you were to pick a party member for Earth tower and GVG which would it be?


Because psy was pure crap back then. They only get buffed ~2months ago in ktos so there aren’t many vids about them.
About Earth tower i think psy 3 would be good. Huge aoe + good dmg + irresistible cc

Really? what was the buff given to them?

  • Psychic pressure hits very few targets and much higher sp consumption.
  • Gravity pole has no damage (only cc)
  • Much higher CD

- Psychic Pressure Cooldown Reduced from 30s to
25s, Damage has been increased from 130.8 + 39.36 per skill level to
160.8 + 52.36 per skill level, SP Consumption is also reduced Psychic
Pressure sp cost changed from (variable) to 1% per second.
- Telekineses Cooldown Reduced from 40s to 30s,
Skill Damage has also been increased from 172.08 + 47.04 per skill
level to 160.8 + 57.04 per skill level.
- Magnetic Force Cooldown Reduced from 40s to
25s, Skill Damage has also been increased from 303.48 + 77.16 per skill
level to 433.48 + 107.16 per skill level.
- Gravity Pole Cooldown Reduced from 45s to
30s, Damage has now been added to the skill ( 452.01 + 121 per skill
level ), SP Consumption is also reduced.
- Raise Cooldown Reduced from 60s to 50s.

        - Swap: The skill effects not applying to enemy characters has been fixed.
        - Gravity Pole -  [Gravity Pole : Enhance] Attribute has been added.
    Psychic Pressure 'AOE Attack Ratio Application' tool-tip information has been added.
    The Ratio is for the skill is now, [Skill level + 4]Targets.
     - LV 1 = 5 Targets
     - LV 15 = 19 Targets

Oh there it is. hmm yeah true QC attribute will be very beneficial to it and to further ranks. seems like a hard decision but cryo3/kino3 will fit more niche in parties in both pve/pvp/gvg

Yeah before the changes psy was crap. Now that it actually has aoe and gravity pole damage it is a beast for pvp and pretty good in pve. Haven’t encountered a single mob or enemy except bosses that can resist gravity pole and raise.