Tree of Savior Forum

What do you guys think of my build? Swordsman

well my build is a pure dps you can add con/str/dex depends on your personal preference. Tell me if it’s ugly so that I got time to change it :slight_smile:

why don’t you get highlander for rank 2 if you go all the way for 2h sword

I want the swashbuckling attracting mobs xD

you cant use swash buclking with 2h swords

ohhh I thought barbs can have sword and shield im sorry it’s a fail then :frowning:

yes they can 1h and shield, you can swash buck with it.

yeah I was planning to have 1h sword and shield is it a bad wep build for my class builds ?

tis okay, but get bash and helm chopper at least

hmm warcry … i’d rather skill helm chopper

also in doppel


no, but i guess it is more usual to use a stronger weapon with all those damage dealer jobs you have.

@bloodsin okay thanks for the advice dude ? ummm is warcry not good ?
@tomred ohh okay dude thanks :slight_smile:

thats just in my opinion though… the skill is good but the cooldown is too high and it only lasts for like 30s and only on 5 targets… kinda “meh” to me

Well all Peltasta skills need a shield :grinning:
You want pure dps why don’t you get Highlander C1 for this attribute

Max increase 50% crit damage :wink:

Awweee :relaxed: thank you kmih

I actually max it and it
attracts 11 mobs for 30 secs and it’s cooldown is 20 sec

the max target of warcry is only 5, the duration is 30 seconds, cooldown is 82

…what do u mean 11mobs and 20cd… what ?

ohhhh I was referring to swashbuckling hahahah sorry x2 but maybe it has a good debuff on bosses

my favorite doppel build

is cartar stroke really that strong ?

especially with these