Tree of Savior Forum

What did they break now, ToS1 ToS2, neither works

do you need wrecked again?

So now its a “known issue” but nothings getting done?

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How bout’ you post an ss of you logged-in, instead of 'IMC’ed ss of broken ipf files.

Can’t take you seriously with that image.

Serverlist loads fine for me too, I’m not getting that “ToS1/ToS2” list. However, I’m getting the same message as Alyosha - ipf files are broken and client shuts down. :confused: Oh well.

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it’s a hint, they try to tell us they making the sequence. :open_mouth:

np lets use the downtime to acknowledge the resident cyber stalking drama queen troll we all know as @Alyosha, here are some highlights;


You need to update TOS, check Steam to see if there’s an update you need to manually install. Also try deleting client.xml and serverlist_recent.xml. Verifying after you’ve done the above steps might be necessary.

Now that would be funny.

Its the awaited GvG (Gacha vs Gacha) patch and he is complaining, bajesus…

For the GvG (see above) arena.


Just what I thought… you’re too dense to get my obvious joke.


Ikr, like no-one noticed that 2/3 of the player base was missing the server list, and then it takes them 45 minutes into the live time to realize it and post on the forums regarding the issue.

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Reading the guy’s post is like watching kids try to act ‘cool’ and ‘fit in’ in the internet, truly pitiful…

why IMC alwyas ■■■■■■ njepat right after patch and maintenance? its soo kontolicious ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■

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The effects of being IMC’d in the head multiple times, more commonly known as CTE, its sad to see the impact it has on people. This poor man has lost the ability to see and interpret words, they just come out as ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■".


It’s after 7pm in Korea. They should be working on it by 10am after everyone comes back to work. Be grateful they didn’t break it on Friday night.

This shouldnt have anything to do with korea lol… this is IMC all the way…probably just going to reinstall patch to resolve and say FIXED

b/c IMC is only willing to work on something between the hours of 10am and 2pm right, gtfo

pretty sure the tokens dont read in small print “token effects valid monday through friday between the hours of 10am and 2pm”

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speaking of which i just tried logging in again and a big file is downloading again…lmao possibly FIXED

Ya im just re-installing the whole game to be safe, I dont have time to sit around and hope they fix something, been waiting on the cleric black steam death suicide fix for 2 months, GvGs been down what 2 weeks now, commander load fail has been here since beta, mouse modes still broken, south american servers still cant enter instances without hitting the spacebar for 3 hours etc etc etc…

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