Tree of Savior Forum

Being caught means?

not only this is unfair to ban only 64 player, they should also ban everyone who exploited gem abrasive/exp tome/dungeon reset voucher from planting bush event.

like seriously. that is more important ban than this mystical cube where you get only a keista potion.

Well spamming /pmp in fedimian ch1 like anoobix is definately worthy of a perma.

In TC’s situation i think 7 days is alright.

people who typed only /pmp to crash channel didn’t get banned. only people who rerolled mystical cube.

@CasualGamer, I cant defend him with 100% os trust, because you know, every place we can find wolf below the skin of a sheep, But When we start to think about it, is really disturbing.
People are now obliged to come at the forums, to check if any bug is happening.
Take note of every thing they received from cubes, because in case of a crash and the cube still there, you will need to check if the last item still there, even if is a peny (I dont know what this cube is and what provide), and maybe its better to lose the cube if the conection or anything on the game have failed, than open it again, you know, its the player fault that the server don’t worked properly and basic duplicated a item (recognition of the first open, plus recognition of another on the inventory).

I am the worst player ever, because I dont even know what mystical cube is, but I am oblied to know, its not because something was wrong, but because some people here told me that I need to know when the game duplicated a item automaticaly (without the player intention), specially if the client was disconected by issues caused by another player.

Punish everybody who oppened the cube again, without any warning that this was happening, instead just reset the server on the hours this occured, or even better, just undone the cubes admiting they dont had control over this issue, asking for sorry, would be better than create this polemic.

This @Kascly dont even noted that the driver, using his own analogy, is IMC, and yes, was their fault, since they players dont had come by to stolen the truck carge, but the carge was thown just in front of the houses of the players (using his analogy). Would be better to use a image of a place thowing things at the player house, then ask: Why you took what my plane droped on your garden? Are you insane? Also if another equal carge was already in the garden of the player, fit even better. Then say: This was caused by another person, you should have notified the government before open this thing equal to what you had on your garden, even without u doing anything to get it.

This guys dont even know how to make a simple analogy properly.

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You didn’t get my point.
Was about doing illegal things and trying to justify yourself throwing the fault to someone else.

Wall of text full of shiet arguments.

Tbh you’re the one embarrassing yourself posting the same shitty picture everywhere like a parrot.

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1v1 me right now Fedimian channel 1. Oh wait… :smirk:

do what we do, ignore her

she will attempt to troll people from time to time but as you have seen, shes not very good at it, its usually 1 random cryptic meme that she thinks is hilarious but no-one on else on earth gets

best part is her biggest thread to date was a support group for people being cyber bullied, even though 95% of her forum activity has been failed attempts to pick on someone else

is your /indun resetted yet?

you should be banned too for exploiting gem abrasive/exp tome/dungeon reset bush plant event.

oh hey look, it’s that one guy who stalks me relentlessly yet apparently ignores me. lol

Wait what? I’ve never exploited anything. Making false accusations is bannable mind you, if you haven’t already been banned for cheating recently. See you in a month. :slight_smile:

no, super annoying b/c they are only frozen on my diev/miko/pd which is the only reason im even playing, had only come back to work on that miko some to try something new, having its dungeons and missions permanently frozen in time is pretty fkng aggrivating

After those consecutive maintenance, I think they should really properly check their system. Before they release their new patch. And most of the time the players are the one who suffers from one point to another.

The power and authority will prevail after all embarassment it is, but Im saying this once again Im frustrated. And its not only being ban that make you feel so but the way their handling this issue.

They don’t test new patch. Instead of fixing bugs before applying new patch, they had all their staffs on standby and closely watch the forum for bug posts on every maintenance with new patch.

“if my code work… i dont know why
if my code dont work… i dont know why”

sentiment of a programmer

being caught means ggwp gitgud bruh

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Highly doubt it. Took them a week to fix it. They just waited until next maintenance to fix anything. The game was completely broken for several days with the commander load fail and they refused to go in and fix anything.

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