Tree of Savior Forum

What build for Kino3?

Hello guys !
I come back after a long hiatus, and get my Pyro1Kino3 wizard. I absolutely Kino, so I want to keep that, and I heard Pyro3 become quite good.
So, what are the good skills in Pyro3 ? And what is better between Sage2, Enchanter2 and Shadowmancer2 ?
This character will be for general play, mostly PVE, and I don’t have a lot of money for now, can it works ?

Current build :

Thanks for helping :slight_smile:

There is 15 points open in Kino (I put them in Swap since you can use it to throw mobs into a a skill or Sapper BT) since the main skills are taken, you can redistribute it as you see fit.

I would go Linker 2, it’s a safe option for most builds if not all of them. But if you feel like going something else you can always check the other classes to see if there’s some synergy with the build. But the only one I can think of right now is Ele 2 because of Petrification attribute.

And Sage 2, 1 point in Dimension compression is enough, honestly, I find that skill lacking and the only useful part of it is the suction effect.

Also, since all offensive Sage skills don’t have attributes, they get greatly boosted by Sleep Dream Eater attribute.

I forgot to add, I have a build with Sage, but instead of Kino 3 I’m using Ele 3, and in place of Linker I put Pyro 1 and FF 1 (for filler but Blood Sucking is helpful on saving pots), and Dream Eater help lots on Sage skills as I said, I generally do a 2x 100k damage with Micro Dimension, and my gear is not even that great.

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That’s interesting, I wasn’t thinking to FF with Kino3 !
Do you need Wiz2 (mainly for surespell I suppose), if you have Kino3 ? I see there are now attributes that allow to not be interrupt ?
Also, I never use FF, is it for sustain ?
I thought Linker would be too much CC as I already have Kino3, so Pyro3 was to add more damage (aoe dmg on time, while mobs are cc), is FF1 better for that ? (people were talking of FF2 for farming a while ago ?)
What about the synergy between Enchanter and Kino ? (the attribute of Enchant Lightning that change the property of Kino skills) Does it works, or is it just too much support/cc and not enough damage ?

“Since all offensive Sage skills have no attributes?” Wut? All of them have it.
Pots cost nothing. 50k siver her hour when you earn like 2-3 millions per hour worth not wasting 6 rank for this. Swap 1 is enogh to swap bosses, put rest in teleport. Dimesion Compression one shots most of the mobs, you dont need to charge it fully. Blink is useless, too slow, faster is to teleport.

Make either wiz2-pyro2-psy3-sage2, or wiz1-pyro3-psy3-sage2. Ench and Shadow are just bad.

By no attribute I meant elemental attribute.

Well, wiz-pyro3-psy3-sage2 is one of my idea build, but what makes Ench and Shadow bad ? I heard the Hallucination of Shadow can help to not be interrupt and the Ench has some skills which seems nice, so what’s wrong ? (I really don’t know, I come back recently and never played them, so I would like to understand to make better builds ^^)

Btw, can Sorc1 make a good filler (mainly the invoc for a personnal tank) or would it be too bad with full int ?

I have a Cryo 2-Kino 3 alt that I did for map exploration with 15/15 Teleport and I decided to play it again with the rework.

I saw this video in another thread and I’m playing this Wiz3-Kino3-RC-Sage 2 build (I don’t have Sage for now). I was bad at making good ice walls so I enjoy not having Cryo anymore.

I’m still working on Wizard skill points. Do you guys use Earthquake and Magic Shield ?

Any build. Kino3 is love, Kino3 is life <3

In all seriousness though, I got a CryoKinoEnchanter (I fear this might become a popular build now ): ) for ELECTRIC POLE on frozen mobs 8D

The other Kino3 I have is a Featherfoot, because it just feels glorious to me to be Levitating while using HeavyGravity/Raise, the ultimate gravity manipulator!

I’ve got some Kino1/2 on my other characters, but I have so many other builds in mind…I’ll probably make them once we get the lodge expansion from 30 to 45 slots…

Pyrokino must be really fun for example (and could end with Onmyoji for Fox atributes giving ranged PP and extra Fire hits),
and another I’ve had in mind from before we had enough ranks available to pull it off: Kino3-Chrono3, for a master of CC. A Cryo1 in R2 makes it even better now that Ice Pike has changed drastically.
As well as combining Kino with some summoning class (Sorc or Necro), to be like a CC-support to your summons (Raise should make stuff weak to Skeleton Archers, right?).
OR WAT ABOUT A WARLOCK, I’ll stop here…

Earthquake is good to positioning mob, if you lay a Ice Pilar or Fire Pilar you can use it to throw the mob into it’s range, or any other class deployed skills.

Forgot to add that Earthquake hit pretty harder now.

As for Magic Shield, is only really worth with SPR build, if you try use it with INT, you will find yourself out of SP way faster than normally.

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Eh, that’s nice to know, I love this class too <3

One of my ideas was a Cryo1/Kino3/Sorc2/Shadow2, with Kino CC, invoc dmg and some shadow dmg, but I didn’t know which stats use, and it seems that a good invoc is really expensive, so I forgot about it :frowning:

So, tell me , for your CryoKinoEnchanter, you have Cryo3 and Kino3? and I suppose the thing is to made PP and GP lightning, and use them with Cryo skills to do dmg ? Are the dmg good without investment ? (full int I suppose)

For the Featherfoot one, what’s your build ? Do you use wiz2 ? And is it FF2 or 3 ? And finally, how are the dmg without investment :slight_smile: ?

Sorry for all the questions, but I really want to have a nice and not too expensive build, that can allow me to fund other characters and try others things :smile:

Kino now is one hell of a class due to the changes, and Wiz Sleep attribute now goes well with any class that it may apply.

I put FF in the build there as filler tbh, but with Blood Sucking, you can basically live without HP pots, hence the Sure Spell in the act, of course knockback/down, freezing and stun will cause you trouble, but if you know when to use or if the mob is under Sleep or linked in case you take linker it will work well, generally 2 ticks from it fill you to max HP.

I forgot to add that, Sure Spell Lvs only apply 1 more target, not duration, so Lv 1 should be enough if you find better use for the rest of the points.

You can go with basically any class on a Kino, just pay attention to what skill do and if it will have synergy with at least one of your class choices.

The final objective in a build is to be effective (depending on your objective tho, I particularly build some crazy stuff just for the fun tho).

Take the opportunity from the reset event to tune up your build.

I found mines already, I’m just thinking in make another wiz, but not sure what build lol.

Pyro3 Kino3 has excellent synergy with Heavy Gravity + Flame Ground + Flare. HG will ground any flying units which makes them susceptible to FG, then spam flare.

Magnetic Force + Flame Pillar is another excellent combo, both do heavy damage and animation lock on the enemy.

Fire ball+Psychic Pressure and Hell breath are nice fillers when your other skills are on cooldown. Slap Sage2 at the end of this and you are a damaging powerhouse.

I would love to, so much interesting things to try, but my wizard is not high level yet, and I won’t get him max level before the end of the reset :confused: (I’m not even sure when is the end of this event to be honest)

Yeah, that was my principal idea, the main question was on Sage, Enchanter or Shadowmancer after that, but it seems that Sage is the better for PyroKino :slight_smile: (but I will think at a build with FF, it seems interesting too ^^)

So, now, about the skills :
This is what I thought based on what I know, what do you think ? What is better, Fireball or Flare ? And is Enchant Fire still good high level, with all the skills available ?

I would go like this:

And Enchant Fire scale with your stats and and min matt.

Not sure if Flare is working better than before, but before was a pain in the ass to hit the mob.

Sage skills look good.

For Pyro I would drop Fireball to 1 and max out Flare. Flare is better DPS, higher AOE, and comes out quicker. Get Fire Wall 1 for the knockback, good for CC in certain cases and easy to use. Enchant Fire is strictly Enchanter Fare, meant for auto-attack builds so keep it 0.

If you really want to max the Fireworks Combo (PP + Fireball) then ok get 15 in Pressure and 15 in Fireball, you just have to sit there and channel it and I prefer builds with more mobility.

Kino is a mixed bag so if you are 100% damage PVE and damage oriented, then OK your skill choices work. I invest heavily in teleport and telekinesis because i like to PVP.

Thanks, your replies are interesting !

For the Fireworks combo, does the damage scales from PP or Fireball ? I max both by old habits, when Flare was useless, (and there was no scaling :confused: ), so I can probably do better !
I’m not sure to judge that correctly, @Nirimetus, do you remove some points because the scaling was bad ? Or maybe comparing with the SP cost ?
And for Sage, is it the same with Dimension Compression ? (the scaling seems huge for me, but I never test it)

The scale looks good, but the skill itself is not really that good imo, I got it on one of my chars, I started it with Lv 5 and using it even with Sleep don’t do that much tbh, then I lowered to 1 just for utility (the suction effect) and put points elsewhere. Missile Hole seem more for PvP, but in PvM, depending on what you are facing, it may save you. But if you think it is more worth put in Blink or leave in Dimension Compression is up to you.

For Firework effect i’m not sure from what it comes the damage, my guess would be from FB, since the fragments come out of it, PP is not bad, but in all honestly, I don’t find it all that good as a stand alone skill. It’s just my opinion tho.

I like Swap for the same utility Earthquake provide, you can move a good amount of mob inside some skill/trap with it, or even overlure mob inside your or someone else AoEs.

In Sage I always get 1 point in the Shop because it help out with other chars, I used it to do the flowers part from Nak Muay unlock quest.

About Flare, my issue with it is that it didn’t hit the mobs in flame depending on the direction you where facing or distance or even if you where with the burning monster in the aim. As I said, not sure if they fixed that, so I can’t tell you it’s usefulness, but since now it does have a nice scale, if it work as it should then could be one hell of a finisher.

I disagree on dimension compress, it is an excellent boss killing skill. Any kind of single-target situation it is worth using for the heavy burst damage.

Definitely worth getting to 5, along with 10 in both dimension skills. Its not like blink or portal are worth too much.

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Hum, I feared to miss boss damage with this build, so yeah, maybe this skill can be interesting for me !
I will probably divide the points between Fireball and Flare, unless I can try Flare to see what it really does :slight_smile:
What do you think of Blink ? Like, if I need to choose between Missile Hole and Blink (for PVE), can I put some points in both or is one to useful to pass ?

Blink isn’t really needed in any build tbh, it is just a decoy so it serves little purpose imo. Better to max out damage.