Tree of Savior Forum

What are viable fencer builds?

I need some insights on fencers:

  • Going with only one circle in fencer is bad ? why ?
  • Can I mix corsair and fencer in a viable build ?
  • A single target fencer ( without barbarian ) can get into grinding partys just with peltasta ?
  • What are popular fencer builds ?

*the ones I know of:

  • Peltasta c2 > Rodelero c2 > Fencer c2
  • Swordsman c3 > Rodelero C2 > Fencer c2
  • Peltasta > Barbarian C3 > Fencer c2


No, in fact wtih rank 7 max Fencer C1 does a lot for one circle, Fencer 2 offers less.

yes, check swordsman section

Yes, but you will have a hard time holding aggro, Barb has nice base AOE attack ratio on their skills

is the most popular, highlander lost a bit of popularity lately, but still does well with your arsenal of slash types that lunge can boost

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You are in the wizzard sub forum.

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lol, sory for that will move my post.

I’m going Peltasta C2>Rodelero C2>Fencer C2
Is Targe Smash and Umbro Blow(with High Guard) enough to hold aggro ?

provoke is enough to hold aggro.
500% bonus aggro on yourself when they hit you.

The description is kinda wrong there, it’s other way around.

huh? im confused.

It’s the damage you do, not receive.

Example, hit a monster with 10k hp for 3k, it should follow you until death even with others damaging it more

They need at least one ability for fencer without an AOE ratio cap to keep aggro of 20+ mobs

The struggle is real when I cannot hit more than 3 monsters(except barb skills)

Pray that C3 Fencer some good AOE ability because none of the earlier ranks really give good AOE( except seism) to fill the weakness of fencer.