Tree of Savior Forum

What are the chances of this game ever getting optimized?

and what must be done in order to make IMC realize and fix the performance issues this game has?

Dance on the moon while wearing a tutu riding a motorcycle while eating a Big Mac singing the blues.


Tsc. It’s gonna be tough, i hate big macs

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lol brb i’m on my way.

To give a serious reply, I wouldn’t be surprised if one came out by the end of the year. Maybe at the beginning of 2017. If I saw correctly, the game came out in 2015? And the NA servers just came out on the 10th.

I’m sure they should/could be working on it in the background but won’t announce it until a big patch. I’m not sure if the Korean servers are optimized or if everyone is not optimized. In my eyes it’ll be a while. Hopefully not too long though…I hope.

They already did this. The only notable thing was the option to disable the monster shattering. I’m still waiting for a real optimization.