Tree of Savior Forum

What are the boundaries of technology?

In relation to medicine, what do you think are the boundaries of technology, if there should be any?

I’m quite bored at the moment and I want to hear your opinions about this :slight_smile:

They mention a bit about medicine/medical research etc. Mostly about quantum computers though.

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Well, we could. But I dont think it’d happen for ethical reasons.

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It already happens. But we don’t breed humans for it. It’s organ donors. (Unless you are asking for the efficiency, cost, result of breeding humans)
I suppose slavery would be the thing you’d want to research.

You got me curious and was wondering if any one has ever tried a brain transplant.

Answer is yes, but not on humans. EDIT: Actually it was an entire head transplant. wow

I’m fine with most things outside of growing being with functioning nervous systems. Lab grow my hamburgers. Lab grow me a foot I don’t care. Just ah… maybe not a brain that can feel pain.

For neuro-uplinks with computers… All for it. If we don’t have ourselves plugged in… They’ill just take over at some point without our help.

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I dont think so, lol. I think we’d learn how to make organs in petri dishes before we have to resort to slavery again. (yes slavery exists today, but not on the scale it once was)

If some major event called for something like that to happen, I suppose it could happen. But you’d have to be in some apocalyptic scenario before I think doctors/surgeons would completely forgo taking human rights into consideration. (If enough doctors/surgeons even survive these scenarios)

Sciences sure do advance a civilization, but sciences are more about obtaining knowledge rather than “getting things done”.

This, I believe, is the big next step. A solution to the problem you propose, and the one you imply.

Stem cells have been used to make hamburger meat without killing a cow. Just think about how big that is. Right now, there are plans to create human organs from scratch.

So far, regulatory and ethical concerns have stopped, or rather, delayed further experimentation, but change isn’t far away. No animal or human “livestock” will be required for this purpose, and we won’t have to hope with all our hearts for the next idiot to die with an intact kidney to get a transplant.

Stem cell therapy, stem cell “3D printing” at scale. Both technically possible in the next 2 decades if enough resources are dumped into them.

Next step is genetic therapy, which is facing the same roadblocks and poses the possibility of making aging and disease outright obsolete.

Those are my top 2 for health related issues. Notice I don’t mention bionics; as those would probably become small scale body modifications once the other two are prominent; or Singularity, which while being the logical next step would have even worse opposition and will be much more technologically challenging, and might come as a result of my top 2 being implemented.

Edit to add a reference for the cultured meat:
There are many others, along with a couple proper scientific papers on it. It is 100% biologically real meat.

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The things I mentioned, other than Singularity, are fairly developed already, to the point where we just need further experimentation. Funding, of course, and education as you mentioned, since you don’t know who the next person capable enough to make a breakthrough might come from, and he/she better be educated and not an abandoned children in *insert godforsaken village name*

Absolutely! It’s good to know that, for whatever reason (commercial interests and such), both Facebook and Google are working on methods to deliver free internet worldwide. Internet = knowledge and awareness = education, even if not academic.

I certainly don’t like any of those, and they won’t stay around for long. They will be replaced by pop culture for some other even more idiotic things. That only means information is accessible for everyone, and it helps us identify those who would spit on the opportunity and would rather just shake their booty to animal-skin made percussion instruments and meaningless gibberish blabbed out by uneducated morons.

That just means, buffoons have stood the test of time.

And they’ll get the cultural references all wrong, too!

*NatGeo Voice*
** “The year is 2008, we recovered and deciphered this material from a documentary show preserved in a disc-shaped piece of crystallized polyurethane with, encoded with laser engravings on one side, and the letters MTV imprinted on the other using a vegetable tincture. We still research the origins of this artifact, as well as the impracticality of such a medium being used to store data.
Observe the magnificence of their primitive mating rituals - the male, John, swings his core to the percussive rhythm, waving his strong arms like he does not care, in an attempt to capture Tina, the female’s attention. Oh! here she comes, she has noticed him. If she turns around and offers her back side towards him, John will know the deed is done for the night.
But a larger specimen rushes forward in a swinging motion, placing his head right in front of John with apish anger. Tina notices the stronger male and appreciates his swag as a dominant act, quickly jumping forward, grinding her buttocks all over his genitalia as an sign of affection. Oh-no! Seems like John will have no luck passing on his genetic material tonight. Yolo!” **

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There is no need for computers to get smart and take over the world. Computers are “stupid” and they’ve already taken over…

This is our Future

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Singularity isn’t that simple though. Think about it as us, humans, becoming a connected part of the network, without necessarily being tied to a biological body, not as the terminator kind of machine-controlled future.

Computers aren’t stupid or smart yet and that’s the problem. They’re just programmed. People are quite programmable too, that’s why it looks like computers are in control hahah

lol thanks, and yeah, that’s exactly how it goes :joy:

Well, I can’t argue against it. Augmentation is VERY likely to be a thing with both genetic and bionic therapies being developed. Some prostheses are well in a way to overpass our human parts’ capabilities, and this trend will certainly continue. How people react to it will make the difference between Utopian and apocalyptic.


If someone finds a way to “upload” their brain to a computer, they’ll be able to “think” a lot faster than a normal human brain due to computers processing being obviously a lot faster. Now if that digital brain decides to take over the world for some reason (cause you know, it’ll be stupidly smarter than biological human brains), I wouldn’t call that singularity as it’s not really a “machine” taking over the world, but a super-smart digital human.

As you said it yourself, computers only do what they’re programmed to do. If someone makes a robot that’s programed to build other robots and make terminators killing everyone, it wouldn’t be singularity. If someone programs a super-evil virus that somehow manages to set off all nukes and wipe out humanity, it wouldn’t be singularity. If they program a virus to break into every computer in the world and overcharge the computer’s power supply capacitors to blow up people’s faces and kill everyone in the world, it still wouldn’t be singularity.

Computers have zero signs of sentience. A toaster will never build up enough drama to go rambo and start burning people’s arses. Unless a human being programs one to do so.

Singularity is a computer doing something they’re NOT programmed to do. We have zero reports of that ever happening. Perhaps the program is doing something too complicated for your human brain to understand, but it’s still only doing what it’s progammed to do. With a logical reasoning behind it.