Tree of Savior Forum

What are some good cleric builds for GvG and PvP purposes?

so our guild master want us to be more pvp and gvg oriented, so i thought about opening a cleric, but i know nothing about clerics so i need some suggestions on good builds which focus purely on pvp and gvg domination, with the focus of high aoe CC builds, what are some of the best cleric builds with aoe CC and gvg performance? i open to any suggestions.

Pretty sure AoE CC belongs to Wizards.
Big AoE CCs for clerics are Diev2 Carve World tree (AoE area silence). The tree can be destroyed, displaced, and removed.
Monk2 Energy Blast knocks back and knocks down in a huge line. Short duration, long cooldown, requires charging time.

Sadhu1 Vashita Siddhi status reduction, especially CON and SPR reduction. Not hard CC. Sadhu is plagued by rubberbanding flaws and poor skills. Possession is channeled and short ranged.
Krivis Aukuras reduces enemy accuracy in an AoE. However this is not a hard CC.
Bokor3 Ou Ge Ve Ve reduces STR in an AoE. Not hard CC.

Clerics are best at preventing damage and status effects, and of course healing. Dievs are most popular during GvG.
Try Priest3 Stone Skin, Oracle Counter Spell, Druid Sterea Trophf, Plague doctor Bloodletting and Healing factor, Kabbalist Revenged Sevenfold and Ein Sof, Diev3 Ausrine and all statues, cleric safety zone and fade. Krivis3 melstis to extend invulnerability buffs.

i was thinking of something like cleric c2 diev c3 druid c2. is that good?

Yes. Alternative build, similar to that one, I will refer you to another thread: [Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)
Best thing to ask there since Saint One is the expert on that build.

Edit: best to wait one day since cleric r8 info will be released tomorrow.

u have a lot of options

so im going to split them into categoris to make it easier

DPS or Semi DPS Classes:

Krivis - Rank 2
Bokor - Rank 3
DievDirbys - Rank 3
Sadhu - Rank 4
Monk - Rank 5
Druid - Rank 6

Rank 8 - ?

Classes with CC (including knockback and bleed bcuz beed causes flinching):

All cleric classes - stun from auto attack
Bokor - Blind, Knockback, Bwa Kayiman kockdown spam
dievdirby - AOE Silence, AOE Slow
Sadhu - Knockback, bind
Paladin - Knockback
Monk - Bleed, Kockback, knockup, great SP and health drain ability, knockback spam with energy blast
Druid - Telepathy mind control
kabbalist - petrification

so for the best pvp build i reccomend

Cleric2>diev2>Monk3 (more damage)
Cleri2>Diev2>Monk2>PD (plague doctor)

with diev 2 u get owl which is really good for feild control, a slow cc, a silence aoe so u will be protected against melee people and some ranged ppl who happen to be in it.
with monk 3 you get a bleed, a knockback, a knockup, a armor break, another knockback, and a super good skill that can drain a persons SP and health from 100% to 0% in the matter of a few seconds.

for intellegence/magic build go this


with bokor you can spam blind on people, keep people knockdown forever (if u have a zombie or 2 out form zombie capsule), and knock people back with damballa.
with druid you have telepathy which u can use to walk people into their own aoe which will kill them.
and PD i dont need an explanaiton

i also recommend wizard

its also better to wait until tommorow when cleric r8 is revealed

i think im gonna go with a druid build, they look really strong

for druid i would go


yea im thinking about druid c2, don’t really need more PDs in our guild