Tree of Savior Forum

What about my friends? :(

Ofc i’ll buy the pack, we have no choice here, 50$ isnt much against 3 month of suffering, i would need to be a masochist not to. :scream:

What i find hard to accept is that i wont be able to play with my friend on TOS, like NEVER never. i will most likely be lvl 200+ when they can play. IF they can even play on founder servers.

Lets not talk about my guild that i usualy play with, i’ve been pestering them for a month for them to come play with me, and many accepted.:sunglasses:

How can i face them now? i cant tell them to come anymore, and i’ll apologize to those who got ecxited about the OBT because of me.
we couldnt wait to start with our usual team. (we even made a optimized groupe :cry: )

but like i said, its not like i have a choice here. i really love this game, and i hope that IMC doesnt considere it as a cash machine, i hope they will care at least a little about us.

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You need to stand strong against the moneygrabbing dude :stuck_out_tongue:

In these 3 months of playing alone you’ll get pretty much burned out, so when your friends want to join in june, you won’t want to play anymore.


Give IMC all your money and pay the early access for everyone!

This is why the time allotted is the part that is ***. Three months is way too long for Early Access into an “Open Beta” in a F2P title. It simply hard splits the community and anything that hard splits the community is a bad thing.

Wait a month, pay less.
Wait another month, pay even less.
Wait three months, pay nothing.

Really this is just people trying to come to terms with their lack of patience vs their lack of funds.

You might very well be 200+ by the time your friends arrive, but you can roll another character. Or you can just not play at all. At the end of the day, it is entirely your choice.

how to play with friends or guild?

Don’t fall for this money grabbing

i’ve already fallen :dizzy_face:

i just hope i wont be step on :laughing:

ps: please help me up IMC, help those of us who follow you to the ground!

IMC don’t give a single damn about friends.

Did you see KToS?

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