Tree of Savior Forum

What a very nice event! /sarcasm

par on course for IMonkeyCase, every competitive thing they do is won by cheaters. Position bug abuse is off the charts in this event

worst fcking event…thanks imc, for giving solmiki to exploiters…like always


yes we are checking for the lag related movement issue.
Please see the detail as per below.
We will keep you updated on further announcement.

It could be out of my expertise, but whenever I see position lag, it always seems to be the product of the client-side puppets encountering a collision issue because of the speed adjustment used to help correct them to their actual location on the server.

If this is the case, which, judging by some of the motions I have observed in dungeons or other locations, I suspect that it is–Why not just have the client warp any puppets that stray too far from their server position, back to their server position?

What’s the point of just fixing movement after spawn point mafia and exploiters have already 1800 candies?


How are the rankings for this Solmiki box going to be fair when it’s plagued with such bugs:

  • Getting hit by someone and watch them teleport around you afterwards.
  • Getting hit outside of peoples hit box area.
  • Getting hit by absolutely nothing, not even showing the enemy and/or their hit box area.
  • Crashing to desktop with random VGA errors.

This event would be much better if it were PvE where mobs get stronger with the more candies you have.


The position “lag” seems different in the event though. I’ve seen it on normal maps before as well, but at this kind of times it’s someone usually stuck walking against a wall, but in fact they’re by your side, fighting.
In the event, I’ve not seen people stuck on walls. I’ve seen people who were in my area, moving fine, then suddenly they disappeared and I got attacked, then they re-appeared next to me. Funnily enough, checking the costumes and names, it’s always the same people too. Like out of 30 people (last run I did), it’s the two same who seem to “lag”. I find that fishy and doubt it’s simply lag (but I do know there are some position lags inside as well though).

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Haha it used me one entry for nothing: each time i entering, i’m sent back to klaipeda instantly… Bybye event :’(

The positioning/desync problems aren’t really bugs but more of technical limitations though imo. It is the 1st time IMC do a “game of tag” styled event and they probably design it under the assumption that everyone has the same connection latency to the server.

This event will be really fun when played in a local, LAN based environment where network latency is low. In an environment where players have latency anywhere between 30-400ms + a fair bit of players running on wireless network, it is really a tall order to expect a player vs player game of tag to have pixel perfect movements and updates without any desyncs.

A suggestion to IMC, for future events where sought after prizes are on the line, keep the event/mini game concept to PVE based with score to determine player rankings. Having a reaction based pvp event without considering latency differences is going to give players bad experiences.


If IMC really fixed this , TBL and all cc bug will fixed too. It server side and Im sure you guys have a bad time.

I don’t know who designed this event ,he or she may not even touch the game. He just “Oh .io game look fun just make one in this game”

How you guys gonna fix? Server can’t handle that overload of candy when boss dead or maxed out fight each other.

And now you guys only have 5 days left before “Big rewards” announce

PS: IMC doesn’t even update 2H mace in the game , Not fix toolstip that was easiest to fix, SV crash a lots even we have less player than other SV. Change the event rewards that already post like weeks ago

And more more more thing. Don’t forget about Guild problem it not even fixed yet. It has less because ours community fixed it (not really fix just hidden the effect of it)


I think the worst part about the event is people from the same guild/group entering together to easily gather all 300 candies. If you happen to steal sugar from one of them, you get chased by 5 or more people for the whole match or until you give up. All players should have the same appearance inside the event dungeon (maybe skel costume + pumpkin head), otherwise people that aren’t in a guild or don’t have many guildmates online won’t have a chance of competing nor gathering enough candies to exchange in the event shop.

Please fix that issue and the desynch problem and this event is going to be one of the best events ever made.



+1 for this :tired: :tired:

in other words, this event and the whole damn game was designed for korea and japan internet and they don’t care about international servers


They do care I think, just that for international servers there isn’t really much choice especially on the latency part due to the physical distance between the servers and the game clients. And the game’s reach isn’t that big to justify opening up servers on each continent so players can play on servers with lesser lag.

Which is why it will be much better to just design events that are based around such limitations so that every player, no matter their latency, can still be able to enjoy the event and compete on a ground which is “more equal”.

A good video to watch:

I really don’t like to complain but i think the event’s rewards should be put on hold.
I’ve been killed by invisible enemies a lot of times, twice when i had 300 candies i died to nothing,
and the same person appears like 7~9 secs after i’m dead.
Kinda sad when you want to have fun and play by the rules and this kind of things happen :confused:


Yes to this its really a bad experience.

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End this event soon and let’s pretend it never existed.


I want halloween event like jtos!


It’s not as fancy like iTOS but looking at it it’s very well made(cut-scenes and everything).

This event is so wrong in so many ways…