Tree of Savior Forum

What a very nice event! /sarcasm

It’s not as fancy like iTOS but looking at it it’s very well made(cut-scenes and everything).

This event is so wrong in so many ways…


i’ve already seen one guild bleeding each other dry in one corner of the map so they can get 300 candy

This event we are having right now is actually a very nice idea but criterions not properly thought out.

The problems faced by players are echoed throughout the forums and needs not be repeated.

Hoping that subsequent events criterions be taken in consideration of potential abuses such as iterated by other posters.


to solve this issue the netcode needs to be rewritten. will IMC put in the effort for that?

Never! :prince: :distinguished:

The invisible people and misposition are not simply “lags”, you can test for yourself: right-click and see the name of the players and every run you will see that they are always the same players

Mugging for personal benefit is a nice idea? Oo

My issue with the event(aside from the lag advantages/disadvantages players have versus other players) is that even when people get the max amount of candy they can carry they spend the rest of the time chasing people down stalking them just to knock them out and make them drop candy they don’t need and also standing over a massive pile of candy from defeated players camping it with maximum power and no way/need to even get anymore then they already have but just to keep others from having any.

The event is really fun tbh! IF they didn’t design it for pvp.
They should never force players to do pvp event like that cause they will end up raging. :tired:

Yea I like the event overall but not that it has a pvp aspect to it. Unfortunately, those attribute points are too good to pass up even while I rage at how stupid it is cuz I’m broke and not a buyer. No pay to win for me. Those attribute points from the event will be a life saver for making that Shinobi/Murmillo build.

I like the event tbh and wish it (or something similar to it) were an alternative to the current PvP of the game - which is TBL. Everyone would really just rage less if the prizes were a bit toned down.The thought of owning a solmiki weapon just brought out the worst in people. Personally I’m just being competitive until I get that bear mask plus those attributes since the candy giveaways from kupole won’t be enough to get all 9.5k candies needed.

As for the invisible people part, well that’s been present the whole game since using skills and jump-cancelling desyncs players from others’ PoVs. Also happens to people who jump through obstacles. I just remember that I have to always keep moving in order to avoid such players.

As usual, it’s already been almost a week and still nothing.

Great job as usual IMC

good job IMC, ignoring your playerbase as usual.

Just for note, i’ve just pick up 299 candys, and i was just dancing in a side of klai. Not atacking low candy guys, just watching and even helping then to kill the monsters. 1min left to event end, i got a wierd dc, no reason at all, my internet was perfect… Thanks imc, this is the most disrespecfull way to treat your players. After 2 years playing tos, i am considering quit this time, for your position at this huge problem. Exploit, dc, stress, not answering, and everything else…


they should have made 2 modes a pvp and pve. i dont even do pvp but im forced to do it because of good rewards. who tf doesnt want 75 blessed shard and free 35 million worth of points. i can only farm 30 pcs per match farming for 13 mins then somebody gonna kill me and i dont even see him wtf.

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cancel this event, and better for the community.


@STAFF_Amy What are you doing? seriously, this event is WRONG! Do you understand that? Wrong in every possible meanings of the word, just WRONG!

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cancel just solmiki rewards not event…

give everyone one solmiki box :prince: