Tree of Savior Forum

Western player install and play ToS and

You still don’t seem to get why the restrictions exist. They exist to poison RMT. Find me a f2p game of this style with no trade restrictions that is both highly popular and not packed with bots, and then you’ll have a case.

Yeah… this game will be the best game ever since everyone will have to grind silver for the token every single month waiting for whales to just rise the price more and more and more untill buying the token with silver will just need the whole month of grinding and noone will actually play the game anymore.

But wathever who cares? ^^ The important fact here is another one. like far cry 3 badass enemy says: “folly is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result” in this reguard then what IMC is doing is utmost folly in it’s purest form since:

  • what they’re doing already failed BAD in korea and the game is already dieing there
  • every other western MMO that had this kind of limitation completely disappeared from the market a long time ago for a reason as far as i know.

So well, it’s not like this time the outcome will differ: you keep doing the same thing you’ll get the same result… as far as these limitations goes the non avoidable result is the game failure in the near future

P.S: i know it’s not “vaas original quote” the one about folly, i just like the way he says it so don’t stress me over it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blade and Soul or Tera. Even Archeage.

If you can’t be bothered to pay for a token and you can’t be bothered to ever farm silver you will never in a million years spend money on that actual game in any way.

Consequently, your opinion doesn’t count, ever.

Dear Diary. Today I just got told by someone that Blade and Soul and TERA don’t have bot problems. Then I left the conversation forever, laughing, because I realized I couldn’t actually talk to someone who was so imperceptive they couldn’t look up and see the sky.

So you’d want them to do whatever they want whit Itos despite any migration issues it could cause other versions of the game and then simply use Steam as a platform for any future releases?

I mean i guess they could but that’s kind of rude for their current publishers abroad.

Every game has bots problems.

Even Black Desert or Guild Wars 2 being B2P or this future iToS “with strong limits”.

You think this solve the problem? cute.

Why? I want to buy haristyles and outfits, but NO tokens.

you know whgat? people like you are here to completely destroy this game. the community here is extremely dedicated and the majority of the complains aim at making this game the best there is… until an idiot that doesn’t even have a brain to think come up and say “everything is fine as it is and you guys know nothing” without even realising that the “fine as it is model” is already destroying that same game in other part of the world.

ANd btw i already am a founder, i don’t give a damn about what i can and cannot do since i can do wathever i want when i want, but it doesn’t take a genious to realise that these limitations will kill the game so founder or non founder i will not be able to play a game that wiull NOT exist anymore.

Anyway i already know how useless it is to talk with people like you… as some people say “never argue with stupids cause they’ll inevitably drag you down to their level”, so wathever your answer will be i’ll just completely ignore it ^^

They can do lot of things, but for a small company steam is the better choice.
If they do well with ToS, they will have a better future.

But they are starting really bad.

Some of this I wouldn’t mind to be changed, but people need to be careful what they wish for. Especially alot of what @celexample mentioned

While this doesn’t completely apply to your complaints, it reminded me of this statement i read in a different game from the developer. I wont state the game since i might get my post deleted for advertisement or something… easy to figure out though. It’s kind of long, but interesting read.

"… Over the years many MMORPG designers, me included, have employed various devices and mechanics in order to increase our games’ subscription base.

We removed points of frustration (I termed them “quit points” at Mythic), sped up the leveling curve (the argument being that games should not be harder to level than WoW), highlighted evolutionary or revolutionary new features to differentiate our games from our competition (extremely guilty as charged your honor!) and others too numerous to describe here. While this has brought about some very good innovations, it also resulted in the vast majority of MMORPGs becoming easier to player, simpler to master and more “hand-holding” that their earlier brethren.

These mechanics include speeding up of travel time (Players: “I don’t want to have to walk 20 minutes to get into the action because it feels like we are moving through mud”), lack of meaningful and/or punishing death penalties (Players: “OMG, I died because your random number generator is broken! It’s not my fault!”), fast leveling systems (Players: “I don’t want to max my character 12 months from now; I only play once a week”), auction houses (Players: “Don’t force me to interact with other players to sell/buy stuff. I have to do that in RL, I don’t want to do that in a game.”), easy to follow quest directions with full signage included (Players: “I don’t want to explore the world to find this NPC. I don’t have that much time to waste!”), etc.

Players of course, relayed those “Player” statements to us back in my Dark Age of Camelot days on forums and through feedback/chat/Q&As/etc. Now, none of these techniques is morally or ethically bad (since what is challenging for one gamer can be total frustration for another) nor are many players’ desires for an easier and faster playing game; and as a designer/developer/player, I absolutely agreed with some of them. However, with the implementation of some of these techniques, much of what made earlier MMORPGs and RPGs unique and challenging was lost.

Many developers/publishers were and are so afraid to let the players lose, make mistakes, suffer any inconvenience, etc., that we have created a feedback loop whereby many players expect spoon fed content that goes down real easy, shown how to do everything, directed so they can’t make serious mistakes, etc. This has in turn caused many players and designers to lose touch with what made success in earlier MMOs really mean something…"

There’s more but I’ll leave it at that.


For harder games.

Let idiots fall on they’re faces.
The ywil learn from mistakes… and hopefully enjoy the right decisions more then.

So… I heard that KToS still has bot issues?

Edit: @Gringe Omg, your post made me cringe… formatting, please formatting. :eye::eye::bangbang:

Edit #2: Thank you, so much better. I agree with that 100%. (This is likely a discussion for another thread another day… but games are far too casual nowadays)

It was written as one big paragraph out of many big paragraphs… I’ll try to do something though

@SynysterOne Glad it helped. You’re right that it might have been better if i gave its own thread. For more visibility at least since i think its important things to consider. Oh well.

Read the whole thread, please. Or at least the post I made halfway through it. Thank you.

I could say the same to you. If you had read your own thread you would notice that I’ve been in it.
The only reason I hopped in here was to point out and laugh at your self contradiction.
Your welcome.

I trully hope you guys read this thread and understand how we feel about it @STAFF_J @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan


We were suppose to play 2 days ago… the 22…just sayin just sayin…

You should consider that we’re still in Open Beta. The game isn’t officially out yet. Changes will be made. It’s just that right now, IMC is taking every little precaution when it comes to releasing the game.

Do you have any idea of the repercussions all your ideas have? Maybe they might sound good right now but later on they’re probably going to have detrimental effects on the in-game economy. Or maybe they could be great ideas that IMC will test out later on. But for now, you don’t know going to happen! However, IMC is the one with the degree in business and gaming, I believe they are the experts on this part.

Let’s play the game first. Test the waters out. Then share your opinion. When positive and negative feedback are heard, changes can be made soon afterwards.

And suddenly, what if IMC was a human?

A new home

Eh-Em-Cee (IMC) is an adoptive child from Korea, now living with her new parents, the family Valve, in the USA. She’s a cute and gorgeous child who attracts attention easily. Making lots of friends could be done effortlessly. Sadly, shes got a tactiturn attitude. Eh-Em-Cee doesn’t like to talk and behaves quite distanced - exactly how she learned it back in Korea.

Lately, our dear Eh-Em-Cee Valve did some avoidable mistakes - even if they were reasonable at some point. That caused most of the other children to go mad and eventually causing them to stop playing with her. Her father, Mr. Valve, noticed the growing aversion towards his lovely daughter, eventually causing damage to the household of Valve, and thus scolded her. “Get along with these kids! If not for yourself, do it for the family! This is not Korea anymore, you need to adapt or you will fail in your life!”

Eh-Em-Cee understood. She remade some of her mistakes, apologized and finally got some friends. But a lot of kids in the neighborhood still disagree with her ideas and behaviour. And even her friends are kinda troublesome - are they just attracted to her beauty? Are they going to stay with her forever?

Will Eh-Em-Cee adapt to her new environment and finally change her old fashioned Korean behaviour? Will she get new friends? The future is uncertain.

To be continued~

-> Eh-Em-Cee

Trying to fit in.


I can only hope Eh-Em-Cee learns to drop that bad asian gambling habit that her grandpa Nexon taught her.