Tree of Savior Forum

Welcome to Boruta, Impetus's Personal Raid

What a joke, content designed specifically for 1 guild.

Enter, get killed in 3 seconds by a massive zerg the size of my entire screen. What a surprise, it just happens to be Impetus, narci, crevox, remiri etc, tell us again how trivial and easy the game is, it sure is when you can roll around 70 people deep.


Git Gud! - Not from impetus. :wink:

Quality standards were thrown away for quantity meat wall. But seems like people dont mind at all to be a part of zergs (I guess the situation is same on all iToS servers). So all i cool :wink:

Ya all the servers have matching guild contribution score boards, its #1 by like atleast 1,000 points over #2, its just who has the biggest zerg and is willing to camp the spawn points.

Absolutely sickening, I cant believe this nonsense is being shoved down our throats on an anime based pve game.

Better move to Boruta is horrible designed to have discussion in one place.

But yeah, Im kinda surprised about this content being so ill-made

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de wers part is dat stronk gilds habb been inviting potential playurs frum othur gilds in deir kwest fer powur owO

this is a test of people’s bonds

for those who are leaving a guild for gear

and the understanding of those who are being left behind

i dont take it in offense when guildies left the guild for boruta, my best interest is the best interest of each member.

but it does get kinda lonely when they leave (hard to contact since friendlog is buggy and party system can only help so little to keep in touch with peeps) owO;; but that doesnt mean we’re not friends anymore beyond the guild Owo


2nd a half hours into raid here on Klaipedia and Boruta is still at 70% b/c no-one can even get close to it without being run over by the massive 70 man Impetus and Melody zergs.

This is easily the dumbest thing I have seen in my 20 years of playing online games, 38 in rl, ive seen some pretty crappy ideas, I played the original launch of FF14. It was so bad they literally brought a meteor down in game to end the world and redid the entire game, this tops it by a landslide.

surely not as dumb as a scenario where people believe they can’t see anything dumber than what they already have Owo

Just join them 4Head

Hi. I had 20-25 all night, max. I apologize that you are from a small guild and died quickly. I assure you we did not spawn camp deliberately at any point, but we did actually take the time at one point to chase down a couple guilds that did for about an hour just by running a circle around the walls. We moved as a unit 100% of the time and almost no one overextended. When we decided to full time focus the boss, we had a group patrolling a small perimeter around him because the bigger guilds had left.

I had 4-5 groups, many were not full as people came in and out. You don’t have to believe me, we’ve never been a big guild. We’ve had some exceptional pickups of new players in the last few weeks, and a strong core of people who wanted GVG for a long time.


I think the power disparity between guilds is nearly as dramatic as the Boruta rankings suggest. Impetus just happened to be the most tenacious. I don’t want to detract too much from what they managed (their persistence is commendable), but I think if some of the other guilds put in more effort the competition would look a lot closer. If the top 3-4 iToS guilds actually tried wholeheartedly I think it’d be impossible to make meaningful progress on Boruta (bugs notwithstanding). Between bugs, lag, and that sort of stalemate scenario, I just think that all the other guilds decided it wasn’t worth putting in that much effort for first and that getting second or third would be okay.

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Geez I remember when we were the junkyard dogs scraping it out over the leavings of Crimson and Lotus. The times they are a-changin’

Im confused, your guild got rolled by the massive Impetus and Melody zerg like everyone else, so what exactly is your point.

I said that Boruta would be absolute garbage b/c it would be 1 or 2 massive zergs that out# everyone else 4 to 1 and I was right, I just assumed it would be you guys and Dynasty.

I had no idea that Melody even had that many people nor Impetus, I dont pay attention to the whole GvG scene b/c this is ToS, a casual, niche anime farming game, if I gave a damn about pvp id play an actual pvp game with real pvp players, not bully farmers on ToS.


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This was me 24 hours ago, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

In my opinion, the guild who kill’s Boruta will receive a “boss penalty” who do not receive reward in the next boruta, same as normal wold boss.

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