Tree of Savior Forum

Weekly Q&E WTF?

Who on earth asks questions like:

  1. We’ve waited long enough for the bunny costumes now, and the new swimwear costumes you released in Korea look really cute too. When can we expect them on Steam?

When the game is bordering unplayable at the moment?

They look really cute - really?

How about asking relevant questions like, when will the atrocious game performance be fixed? and so on.

Where do they get these questions from?


Game performance has been the same since it started? id say it needs to be optimized but its definately playable.

im assuming your annoyed because you didnt get the answer you wanted.

Sorry, let me give you a bit of background.

I didn’t play the game for about 35 days and just came back yesterday.

The performance is 100% worse than when I left. Basically, I went from getting a constant 140 fps to 30-40 (except for world boss fights, of course) and when there is absolutely no one on the map it goes back up to 140 plus. There are so many more bugs now, I didn’t really notice until I came back.

Also, no, it’s not my computer. I play on a gtx 1080 and equivalent hardware.

I was a bit dramatic, the game is playable, but just barely. Like everyone else here I like the game and that’s why I am here.

By the way, I just used the performance issue as an example of questions that I think should be asked. do we really want IMC just to focus on “cute” cosmetics?

Remember, IMC is a small developer. The design team is normally in charge of cosmetics but when you take into consideration the size of IMC’s dev team you will realise those poor devs are in charge of more than just 1 thing and therefore allocating precious time to trivial things that while important to sustain and maintain their salary and the game running, won’t really bring new players or keep old players interest for much longer.


Off topic are you still restrict in SA server?

Also the skill-frozen bug is back.

IMC only selects questions talking about Costumes/TP sale.


what server are you on? and how terrible is your computer?

my laptop has to be the suckiest thing on the face of earth but thi is playable for me.

It’s true that I’m annoyed as well. I want concrete answers about swordman issues for 6 months now

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They have stated a few times that they’re working on the fps issues. Do you want to hear the same answer all over again? What’s the point really…
The improvements will come once they are finished, and they will give us more information on it and possible future improvements as well when they can.

Just because you want an answer now doesn’t mean they can provide you with one. :smirk:

This is as good as it gets for now.

It’s not going to happen any faster even how much people request, complain, shitpost, troll or demand for it to happen. :unamused:

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There are numerous other ‘hot’ topics which are circulating in the forums, even a simple acknowledgement from IMC side say they are working on it gives a much more positive impact than the current Q&A. The Q&A is good, but the questions aren’t addressing the key concerns of the community.

I could just think of a few questions off the back of my head from reading from the topics with numerous replies:

  1. There is a cap of server instance exceed for dungeons and missions. Will you be increasing the cap limit or implement a way for pre-made teams to queue for dungeons without spamming the space bar?

  2. The party quest bug has been on-going for quite some time. Any plans or update on fixing the bug?

  3. Skill freezes during animation is getting more and more common. What are your plans and actions on it?

  4. There is a significant lack of presence in the ToS community forums. Will you be appointing a community manager to our forums?

  5. Will there be a hidden class for archer? (just as a filler, much better than costumes)

We don’t need instant resolving of bugs and issues, what most of us want is just acknowledgement that IMC has read and heard our concerns. The weekly Q&A serves as a marketing front and a way for IMC to show that they read our concerns and they care about our community.


Oh I never said I disagree with having more relevant questions used for the Q&A, then again this week was better than couple of earlier weeks. I just wanted to address the fps issue specifically and make a point.

My main point of the post was that even when there’s some hot topics circulating the forums and people are demanding more answers on them, there’s simply nothing to give. (In some cases.) They have said for example on the party quest bug as well that they’re working on it and that we’ll know more once they figure something out for it, yes the bug sucks, yes it should be fixed. However constantly ranting about it etc. won’t make fixing it any faster, just how it is.
(The bug is fairly easy to work around with having your party members off your screen when triggering a cutscene, been partying with couple of friends for a few days now and we have no issues while doing this.)
A lot of these hot topics are simply things there’s not much to say about.

4 and 5 I would love to know as well.

I agree.

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Friend, I just used the fps issue as an example.

That are a lot of issues at the moment that could be discussed.

I am still restricted on Fedimian and the SEA servers not the NA or SA server. Well, I play on Orsha so it doesn’t bother me at the moment.

My point exactly, it’s not the first time they select these question.

Orsha. Well, I don’t have the best computer in the world but it’s certainly not the worst. CPU 4790k, 32gb ram, GTX1080 etc, etc.

Very good post, my thoughts exactly.

Don’t get me wrong I agree with you. These posts will definitely not make things faster or slower. We’re just opening a discussing to show the overall displease with the current situation.

Like everyone else here I think this game could be great.

I will tell you this, IMC is going to change, they have no choice. It’s just a matter of time. I just hope they’re not too late.

Exactly, those are 2 of the main components in this game. Without them there’s barely anything to do.


oh so you still can go back to Orsha? I thought is the other way around. that’s good.

I just read the q&a. Those questions HAD to have been fabricated. They really just don’t want to talk about the bugs. They’re avoiding it at all costs.

I can’t tell if it’s because they have no intent on fixing it and they’re just milking the game till it dies at this point because it’s beyond repair…? or if they’re struggling really hard to solve the issues, and admitting their short comings is something they refuse to do.

IE, they won’t level with us for “business reasons”, eventho it’d help us promote their game and stick it out ALOT more if we had some sort of human-esq response to wtf is going on.

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Well, they unblocked me on Orsha which I am actually thankful for because.
That was definitely a manual block they had put on for whatever reason.

It was weird…

IMC need to do real Q&A Submissions, or the very least take important question from the forum and answer them. Not some PR BS that no body cares about.

Well, whatever their intentions are they are hurting their game.

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