Tree of Savior Forum

Weapon Design Contest?

I’ve seen that you can now apply skins to your weapons so I was wondering if there is any chance that there will be a Weapon Design Contest in the future?

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Similar to the Companion Event we had a long time ago. I bet a lot of players would love to see their design on the actual game.


That wasn’t a design contest tho and I asked if we can have an actual pet or costume design contest back then and the staff even said they will try to ask for it…but it didn’t happen yet… I still want design contests tho… I’m fine with a weapon one too.

I don’t know how these things work but it’s not rly related tho is it? I mean… different ppl work on those stuff or no?

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Yeah. This would be much easier for the modeling team? since weapons don’t really have animation in them. They’ll just have to Make a 3D model and place the design there. I think the reason why they only made 1 companion out of the 10 winners was because of the animation. :expressionless:

For the two-handed sword I would like a Fusion sword(like Cloud carry it)
To remind me that square enix scamming me on the FF7 remake trailer years ago…but still my ps4 still waiting…for hope it will come back…:sob:

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yeeees, more wiz blade weapon types for wiz class Owo


or some good bow. We really need a good designed bow


Sure as long as its an original design. Though I highly doubt it would be picked since the concept is solely an FF7 idea. :disappointed_relieved:

I would very much like a set of weapons based on an iconic monster in the game like what they did with the the Velcoffer weapon design. Imagine if they’d design a weapon skin base on say a Popolion… make a shield out of its face>> :haha:

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Love the idea, as I’ve been complaining about lack of decent looking staves for the last month.

Would need a very strongly enforced rule, however, that it has to be a mostly original design and not just ripped directly from another game.


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So are rods… so far the only rod design that appealed to me was the Raffeye, Fire rod, and I guess the Alter rod? also the Secretum rod who’s location is unknown. :tired_face:

I love the idea. I can’t believe it’s taken this long for someone to suggest this.

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I’m using a Temere on mine. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rods at least have colored sphere variations…

We used to have so many nice weapons back in R6, now all of them are useless…

Even the Goddess Blessed Cube weapon they released…

Sure I get the appeal… its cute. I’m just saying its not for me…

Interesting concept, let me see.


new “weapons” aren’t actual weapons but skin baits

they are meant to make you want to get more and put the skin on your actual weapon…

Yes, I know that. I’m just saying the design ain’t really for me… :disappointed_relieved:

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Yeah I saw that. Thanks @STAFF_Yuri for forwarding my idea! :satisfaction:


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