Tree of Savior Forum

We should also recive an Email if we fail to get into the Beta

I was thinking about that too. I want to recive an email telling me that i didnt get so i can know it fast and stop looking crazy my email just waiting for it.

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Would remind me of the result of my job interviews.

"Dear user,

Hello! Thank you for your interest in our closed beta of Tree of Savior. Unfortunately, you were not one of the 5,000 people chosen. However, we hope to see you in-game when the open beta is released!


that would beā€¦ so dispapointing to read.

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Sorry, but it is one of the worst ideas ive heard, honestly.

It will be just like the Willy Wonkaā€™s golden ticket. You open the chocolate bar (the email) and hope to found your ticket there. (ļ½„ąø±Ļ‰ļ½„ąø±)

Dear User,

Too bad you are not lucky enough.

Thank you,
imc TOSteam

I thought there would be a list?

Dear player,

you dont got it , and you wonā€™t get it. Accept our thanks image for participate, Good Luck next time.

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Thereā€™s going to be a list that states the beta testers for the CBT
so tbh sending emails to more than the chosen 5000 people would be a waste of time
even if it is possible to send out the un-acceptance letters through a machine, it would be a waste of energy and cause dissapointment in the end. unless yall are masochists as stated before lolllll
idk just check the site on friday. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Hahaha that emailā€¦ "Dear User,

Try logging on.


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oh you guys. OP is just want to avoid the anxious feelings when weā€™re waiting for our ā€œresultā€, keep questioning ourself whether weā€™re qualified or not. And I know that feeling, itā€™s terrible.
Maybe they should just send the message over the forum. Itā€™s faster and more guarantee than by email.

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I was up for the idea. However, you got a solid point there. :open_mouth:

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that will just add the burn lmao~

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ya i want be beta tester!! haha let me in on it =)

when europeen people will have the key in email?

HAHAHA i laughed at these because if you get that email maybe i will cry a drop of water just once ahaha GIVE US A CHANCE!!!1

When you see 00:00:00 on this, you can start to spam refresh on your email app or webmail :smile:

It will be hard to sleep today. Its confirmed that the keys will come at 00:00? As i know they only had tell the day.

They said 31, so yeah it can start during all the day. But keep in mind that Koreans arenā€™t sleeping, if itā€™s dark night in France, itā€™s a great sun they have now~