Tree of Savior Forum

We can report bots now, but do we get some compensation?

Just report the bot and move on. Stop being so entitled to free items for putting out zero effort.


I saw a bot last night and reported it because I felt it was right. I donā€™t think we need a reward for that. Itā€™s not very taxing and we, the players, want the game to be better, so weā€™ll do it regardless. Are players going to let bots do their thing when they are stealing their mobs? I wasnā€™t even farming in the map I was in, I just ran by one.

Come on, we reeeeally donā€™t need a reward for a common decency.

ā€¦Getting 10k silverā€¦ people would go nuts on reporting bots.
And onyl the first report would countā€¦


Why hire gmā€™sā€¦ let begginers do the job for free.

rings the bell


What if botters decide to report their own bots (that they can make infinitely more of)?

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Guys, let this thread die. I just wanted to know if we could get a message or a notification when an actual bot has been banned. Iā€™m flagging MY OWN THREAD to be closed to stop you from calling people entitled or other bullshit. I do not want items, I DO NOT ASK FOR COMPENSATION FOR DOING SOMEONEā€™S JOB, I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF WE CAN GET A MESSAGE WHEN WE DO IT RIGHT.

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Maybe achievement like Rookie bot hunter, expert bot hunter, master bot hunter etc.

There should be no reward for reporting bots. Do not reward people who ask for it. There are plenty of us who will do it for the innate reward of (wait for it)
Not having to deal with bots.

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Naw man, you on the never ending ride now.

So people can get compensation for reporting me for no reason again now. :open_mouth:

Yes. You should stop posting before they notice you.


Then you just didnā€™t expressed yourself right. the word for this is ā€œFeedbackā€ not ā€œCompensationā€, thus the misunderstanding haha.