Tree of Savior Forum

Ways to end BOTs

There could be a system where any player that gets flagged 6 to 10 times for botting has to go through some anti-bot system like captcha or puzzle or anything. That, also answering correctly makes you not having to go through the same system again for something like 10 minutes maybe. You can not be flagged by the same person twice in a 10 minute “cooldown” time.

I know there are already threads about this, but I think this particular strategy would be good. No one likes in-game captchas out of nowhere, but making it only be used after the flagging system would be way better.

Note that the staff can also keep count on how many flags each player got (and if he correctly solved or tried to solve all captchas), so they can identify on their own possible botters and give proper punishment.


It should be needed like 6~10 reports, and have 10 minute cooldown after you can be flagged again from the same person or after answering correctly a captcha.

This way it would not affect PvP-like modalities. Also people would sort of interact saying to others to flag real botters.

Give this some credit IMC.

That doesn’t work, ppl can just flag a afk person for giggles and get them banned when the capcha times out while they are afk.

Giving any sort of in game power to players over other players is a recipe for disaster every single time.

So captcha shouldn’t have a time limit. That way even if you are AFK the worst that can happen is having to answer a captcha.

Also you should no be able to move attack (move maybe?) while captcha is up.

I’m not generally a fan of captchas. Anything automated can be beaten by automation, although there are forms relying on creative observation that can only be beaten after hundreds of thousands of trial and error attempts.

For example, “Select the thing that is fuzzy”, and then a selection of monsters are shown, and a human would know to pick the Popolion and Guinea pig, and not some plant and insect types.

But you’d need a battery of hundreds of these questions with millions of different image combinations tied to each of them for this to work. Character recognition captchas, y’know, letters and numbers straight up don’t work with the right tools applied to them. Why they’re still on the internet is beyond me.

tldr; better than nothing but only just, and has to be done right

The only way ppl are going to use this is flagging other players during world boss fights to get them killed and increase their own chances of getting drops.

You cannot give power to players, it never as worked and it never will they will just find ways to abuse it for there own good and it can do more harm then the bots themselves.

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I would love to use the flag in pvp mode. LoL

I’ve seen a game successfully use an automated system using captcha before the picture type captchas came out. It was only used out in field areas and not in safe areas. Problem is flagging by other players, if its a system used by players instead, but it shouldn’t be impossible to punish for triggering false positives. I’ve had ideas for bot hunting systems though I think they may be too intricate for anyone to want make or others always seem to find faults in them and say they wont work even if they are upgrades of older ideas that have worked in the past for other games. Its just a matter of time before bots get around it anyhow/ there probably is someone in the background checking up on the bot anyhow.

One of the best ways is have a click report option. Add a option for clicking on other players to choose report bot. The GM would check that player and server logs. Then the person would get banned if it was indeed a bot.

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It should be needed like 6~10 reports, and have 10 minute cooldown after you can be flagged again from the same person or after answering correctly a captcha.

This way it would not affect PvP-like modalities. Also people would sort of interact saying to others to flag real botters.

Give this some credit IMC.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn

Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile: We are continuously looking for more options since we do not have direct input into VAC.

I’m not sure what VAC is but I’m glad to hear some feedback that you’re looking into it!

The best way to ban players if they advert once dear gosh enough of this &^$# already enough is enough adverts are ruining my gaming experiences for tree of savior. please ban those adverts in the game there has to be a way to ban there wifi… permanently and user at the same time. I’m pretty sure we players know where this is going.

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