Tree of Savior Forum

Wastrel vs Asio?

As the title says, which is better?

First off, rod provides the option of equiping a shield which provides a lot of defence. Also, it gives casting reduction speed. You can also equip 1 extra gem with that combination. Staff on the other hand have higher matk but does having 1 extra slot to equip a blue gem make up for the matk loss? Also Pyro users benefit from using staff from the Staff Mastery.

If I were to choose either rod vs staff, is Wastrel or Asio better? Also, what kind of gems should I equip blue or green?

Staff is underused nowadays because shield is too good to not be used.
About asio vs. wastrel:
Everything dependes on your build. What are your classes? Do you have summons? How is your Stats allocated? For most wizard builds both Wastrel rod and shield are better.
EDIT.: Asio rod is “better” for summoners. Asio shield is meant for swordies/physical clerics

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You indirectly answered my question of whether to use 1-H mace or 2-H mace for zealot-inqui, so thanks.

I play many different wizard classes like 6 of them, but my main isn’t a summoner. I have 2 other classes with Bokor in them though. I guess Wastrel is the better option then?

1hmace better on team play
2hmace better on solo play
both good for skin

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Its easy Asio if u going summoner/healer builds cuz of the high SPR or Wastrel if u want a straight up damage rod

My summoner uses Asio Rod + Wastrel Shield for the huge SPR boost. For DPS, use double Wastrel if you’re not pyro, otherwise I’ll go for a staff. Both Asio and Wastrel staves are good, your choice if you want 70 INT/50 CON or 120 INT. For gems, definitely blue (5-6 level 6-8 gems will gives 1200-1800 more MATK).

My main is actually a Pyro but I kinda intend to use this weapon for my other subs as well. I have like 5 other wizards all with different classes so I’m not sure if I should get a staff or rod+shield mix. I play some other dark classes and summoners also.

Also, what kind of cards should I try to get? And should I pump those extra points into INT or CON (since rebuild reset our points)

Extra points into INT. With fixed stat allocation, you should have enough CON from build and equipment. For cards, I just use what I can find. Usually you’d go with 3x Chappa, 3x Zaura/Nuale, 3x Gazing Golem, 3x Pyroego, but of course you need to get them.

If you want to rotate a weapon between alts, then definitely go with double Wastrel. All your wizards will benefit from the stats and the 50% reduced casting time, while your summoners can still go for SPR on armor, will still get +72 SPR from the shield, and can even use 3x Linkroller cards for more SPR.

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Thanks a lot. I would probably go with rod+shield mix.

For Chapparition, does it mean that I should save my SP potions so that I can make use of the magic attack bonus. Are Rexipher and Helgasercle less useful because the boost is not as significant as Chapparition even though it is a fixed boost?

Is there an efficient way to level up cards? I look through the market and there seem to be a shortage of 10 star cards. Also, in which order would you place the cards in terms of importance. idk much about cleric. I have two tho: one of them below lvl 200 and the other magic damage dealer at 380. Do you know about wastrel 1h mace and 2h mace? Do you know if it is worth using 2h mace? I’m not a healer so 1h mace attribute is not that good for me and defense-wise i think i can held my own without a shield.

Is this any different than the rod-staff situation where rod+shield has plenty of benefits over staff?

Unfortunately using Chappa means you have to carry a truck of SP potions are use them as soon as they’re out CD for damage burst, and they even have been nerfed (+damage instead of +matk).

Rexipher is just + critical attack, card is fodder now.
Helgasercle is pointless (+50 matk) since you have Mothstem that gives more fixed attack (+70 matk while using strike weapon, which includes staves and rods). For my wizards where I don’t have Chappa, I use Mothstem which is easier to get. The only problem is that these cards have not been updated and since re:build are now giving a negligible attack boost (+210 matk for 3 level 10 Mothstem cards, which is less than a mere level 6 blue gem socketed on a weapon or shield).

Most efficient way to level up cards: card album event. If you’re in a guild, they organize them quite frequently. Otherwise, gather some card albums and shout for “monster album event” – with 5 parties of 5 people all bringing 5 albums, you’ll end up with 125 cards/card enhancements for everyone, which is enough to level up two of your cards to level 10 and have spares.