Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock with Ignition and Venon dagger can work?

warlock with Ignition and Venon can work?i had i doubth, cause many people said that ignition + karacha would be the best one

well, Karacha is way cheaper then venom -*- (by about 5 mill.)
personally i think venom is better as it give u CON, whereas karacha give u DEX.

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Hmmm? Newbie? Or i misunderstand your post?

Elemental property damage apply on every each hit no matter skills or AA, no matter what elemental skills you used. Thats the reason why arde dagger so expensive in the first place.

Fire or Poison, they all added to ALL of your damage. Not only fire and poison skills.

Its a local lunatic (literally) that tries to be helpful without having any clue, replies in every thread, gives bad advice and then casually calls people fcktrards. I doubt it even plays the game.
Ignore it.


I cant say Venom is better than Karacha or vice versa.
Ideally you should have both for different mob types.
On something like poison element plate mobs Venom is useless, but it’s great on earth type mobs.
As for my experience (250 lvl so far) it’s like 50% time I’m running with karacha and 50% with Venom. Venom is better on most boss fights tho.

You’re correct that all Elemental damage adds up to all your spells and AA however only Fire property adds up to the burn effect of Ignition, thus Karatcha is better if we’re talking about burn damage.


