Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock Stat allocation

Im going to be a typical WZ3-E3-W3 since it looks fun to me them ost but in every guide im reading they suggest to go at least 50 lvl con andt hen full int… would it be that bad to go full int from the beginning? Do I die so fast later on?
What about gear? What should I aim for plate or clothes? I would go clothes i guess. And what are my endgame stuff and cards? cant find an up to date guide so far, hope u guys can help me out thanks!

go full int u dont need con atm

Full INT.
Most things are easy now. And for some ‘less easy’ stuff at level cap you can get HP from other sources.

Any tips on gear? Thx tho

just gear with int and magic attack :slight_smile: and u can start doing solmiki too when u will have … possibility :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
btw dont forget about saalus every day :slight_smile:

Yeah for the most time I tried a lil’ bit of CON to boost my hp -and it still might be a decent idea for when you’re fresh at max level- but as soon as you have better equip you can just go full INT for the extra damage. They can’t it you as hard if you just obliterate everything.

Thanks for the saalus advice im still new and didnt know that it was Important :slight_smile: