Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock skills question

I’m trying to level up a new wizard with Dark Mage or Vampire Mage theme
Warlock - Shadowmancer - Featherfoot
I’m at Warlock and I’m already lost so please help.

From what I understand there are two types of Warlock skills: Evil Spirit Skills and Non-Evil Spirit Skills

Evil Spirit Skills

Invocation --> Ghastly Trail --> Evil Sacrifice
Dark Theurge --> Ghastly Trail --> Evil Sacrifice

Non-Evil Spirit Skills

Pole of Agony
Demon Scratch

And this is what I’ve learned from over an hour of google & youtube research. Tell me if I’m wrong please.

  1. Invocation and Dark Theurge are pretty much the same thing since both skills are used to create Evil Spirits so no point in learning both
  2. [Arts] Pole of Agony: Evil Spirit pretty much makes both Invocatoin and Dark Theurge moot since Pole of Agony can now create Evil Spirits so the new skill spam order would be
    Pole of Agony --> Ghastly Trail --> Evil Sacrifice
  3. While leveling up it will help to have either or both Invocation/Dark Theurge but for end game Invocation/Dark Theurge is waste of skill points
  4. I should prioritize maxing Pole of Agony, Ghastly Trail, Evil Sacrfice, Mastema, Demon Scratch and after that I have 4 points left which I can put in either Invocation or Dark Theurge

Is this correct?

Invocation will create spirits over time (60s). Dark Theurge create instant spirits every 20s. Of course you learn both.

Same as above. Those skills have cooldowns. You go PoA -> GT -> ES (PoA on CD) then DT -> GT -> ES (DT on CD) then GT -> ES to explode the remaining spirits.

Well this is exactly what I do. I think Invocation is at 1 and DT at 3 just to have equivalent SFR.

Note: Ghastly Trail has been reworked in kToS and now is a level 31 skill with a max of level 5, meaning you get 10 more points to spend. Your skillset will be: PoA 10, Mastema 10, Demon Scratch 5, Ghastly Trail 5, Evil Sacrifice 1, meaning 14 spare points for Invocation/Dark Theurge.

So that means Warlock will now have 2 skills that are level 31 skill: Demon Scratch and Ghastly Trail?

BTW let’s say that the class gets updated, then does all my skill points gets reset for Warlock after the patch?

Yes there will be 2 level 31 skills. Usually after a class rework there is a NPC reset helper like the one we had the past week, so you’ll get a free skill/attribute reset potion for that.

So at ktos it’s at test server right? The change hasn’t hit their main server?

Check the kToS thread, but I think it’s live now.

Thanks for the help I’ll go check

There’s one thing that needs clarification : the spirits from DT don’t count towards your 10 spirits limit, so you can combo DT with PoA.

My usual combo is
[any FF curse] > PoA > DT while the PoA spirits are spawning > GT > ES

PS: here are the changes for warlock

They have also buffed Ngadhundi for FF


While I was googling yesterday I read somewhere that Mastema has actually been nerfed somehow in terms of damage. Is this true?

Also what is Overheat? Is that the charging time?

overheat is how many you can cast skill before enter cooldown. mastema already nerfed (the attribut mastema : phantom pain) that mostly people depend on it. Before : it dealt dmg equal mastema dmg. Now : it dmg equal your 75% your m.atk.

Not buffed, but easier to use: OH reduced from 5 to 2 while increasing the SFR by a factor of x5/2 (same damage in the end).

Mastema was nice because the DoT was strong, but now it’s irrelevant. The burst is still strong (8k% sfr), but nothing like most other burst skills, making the skill quite weak. Putting Enervation on mobs and exploding spirits on them will do way more damage now.

Which is a buff because it takes 60% less time to deal the full damage of the skill lol