Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock / Shadowmancer, maybe fun, but off meta

hum interesting. I noticed that linker in a wl sm build is a waste due to the fact that they need suport skills from below. Elementalist is the best for the job it seens. SM an WL its really strong alone, but alone you can’t keep doing constant damage. I looked up for kino3 just for that but looking more on the cc aspect rather than damage. The best choice its ele3 and live without rune caster. If i return to ele3 build, i just go back to wl3 or sm3 but its not what i want. For kino i need to suport it with cryo or pyro, wiz2 its solid but it will only being for rc. I will theorycraft just a lil bit and see what can i get haha