Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock PoA + Reversi Trick

Here is a vid to show the synergy between PoA(Pole of Agony) and Reversi:


When Mobs stand on top of the PoA they take continuous damage, If a certain Attribute is levelled/brought, then the mobs will also take further continuous damage once they run out of the PoA.

Normally, the mobs wont take both the PoA’s initial continuous damage and leaving penalty continuous damage at the same time. However with Reversi Skill Scrolls, this is now possible.
By using a Reversi scroll right after u cast PoA, this makes the game create a new instance of PoA with the same timer as the one you just casted. This technically makes the mobs “Leave” the old PoA and therefore they suffer from the leaving Penalty Continuous damage AS WELL AS the “new” PoA skill damage.

This is just a trick that can be used with PoA that some people may or may not know to help increase their damage.

Some estimated(?) damage numbers are:

normal PoA damage = close to 1 mil
PoA + Reversi = close to 1.5~2ish mil
PoA + PoA scroll + Reversi = close to 3ish mil (I think the Leave Penalty DoT damage doesnt stack here(?))

(Note: Damage numbers are very roughly estimated as if you noticed i sometimes sp potted either not enough times or too early/late in the vid to proc chap cards)

Reversi Skill Scrolls can be brought off the AH/Market as well as PoA Skill Scrolls. these scrolls are created by the Enchanter class which allows them to make the scrolls and sell/use.


nice bug abuse bro

bug or hidden mechanic?

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This looks like a bug. This is not the funcionality from Reversi skill.

Might be a bug, but my vote is for IMC to keep it. Skill interactions like these are what make this game funny, and what is lacking.


Yea, it’s not something OP that break the game, the trick is good to keep.
Thanks for this, i’m a thaum3warlock2

I have to agree, hidden interactions make the game way more deep, complex and way more fun IMO. If i remember correctly i think i saw this way before in a cleric/solo video.

Combo its used around 3:14 and 3:29

Combo used from 1:06 to 1:16 aprox

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Hi! Does this work with the skill itself? Not the skill scrolls? :smiley: i’m thaumc3 and about to hit wl2 but im too busy with work to test it out atm.


not entirely sure since I don’t roll a thaum, but theoretically it should work

I’m thaum3warlock2, I tested it yesterday and it works with your own reversi.

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Confirmed. As of the recent patch, this interaction/combo no longer exists.:frowning:

well, and here I had plans for a thaum-warlock…

They are good on ruining unique and interesting “hidden” skill interactions. Pyro’s fireball interactions with other skills (i.e. PP, JP+HK, Snowrolling, Combustion) being the first, i still am pissed by it.

Punji + Circling being the other which makes punji somewhat decent. With the interaction gone, now there’s no reason to use Punji.

And many others such as this thread’s recently.

They all may start unintendedly, but they are very interesting to use and should be kept if not OP… even when it’s OP, it should not get over nerfed.

Interactions make the game way more complex and fun, its sad that instead of balancing them, they either kill them or nerfed to the ground (Fireball as an example). Well we still have IW+PP :wink: the most balanced intercation of them all.

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How they are so fast fixing such small thing :thinking:
Compare to dragoon-lancer, or rode-murmillo interaction, this thaum-warlock interaction is just a piece of cake.

They removed link-pyro interaction, killed pyro-psycho interaction, yes the lack of creative interaction is what killing the combat of the game.

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