Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock invocation Nerf?


After this Wizard update the Warlock’s invocation (without atribute) only deals a single hit before vanishing (before was 3 hits). I know that the single hit damage got increased and is scalling with the LV of the skill but the total damage output is so much lower than before due the single hit mechanic.

I don’t record reading about this anywhere.

It was a intentional nerf or it’s a bug?

Ty guys.

it was indeed nerfed. The change was mentioned in their patch notes of the wizard rework patch:


The new mechanic of single hit makes it harder to use and abit more fragile, the overall damage of invocation was also decreased by ALOT due to this.

Also: Invocation’s damage used to scale with level BEFORE the patch regardless.

So, no it is not a bug, but is intentional by IMC

Ah, i see…

RIP ;-;

It says summoned evil spirits will now attack the same number of times as the ones summoned by Dark Theurge.

Dark Theurge also have an attribute: Tough Evil Spirit that makes Dark Theurge applies double hits. Does this in anyway make the invocation spirits do double hits instead of single hits?

Tough Evil Spirits does not apply to Invocation.


No, the Dark Theurge attribute does not apply to Invocation spirits.

That is to say:

Scenario 1 - no attribute
DT with no attribute : 1 hit per spirit
Invocation : 1 hit per spirit

Scenario 2 - attribute learned
DT with attribute learned : 2 hits per spirit
Invocation : 1 hit per spirit

so yea makes no difference to invocation spirits