Tree of Savior Forum


Hello! I’ve been trying the warlock>ff>shadowmancer build I’ve seen somewhere, but, even with the curse-dark damage bonus, shadowmancer just feels really lackluster currently. I am having a lot of fun with warlock and featherfoot, though! So I’d like suggestions on what other class to pick. I was wondering about sorcerer, but i’m not sure if my summon will be weak since warlock and ff are int classes while sorc is a spr class. I also heard sage is good with featherfoot, but the majority of opinions seems to be that sage is only useful for shops or pvp, while i want to focus on pve. Really any class suggestions will do, save for bokor and necro because i really don’t enjoy the classes. Thank you in advance!!

Fix this with the next vaivora staff

You need to invest to both int and spr.

Who told you that is a crime.

It’s true. Sage is power focus in pvp.

If you dont want neither, Taoist is another option.

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Onmyoji or Rune Caster

Onmyoji :
-lots of powerful aoes
-CC with tiger and tree shikigami
-Yin Yang harmony gives a +20% dark damage boost which has a 100% uptime

Rune Caster
-some aoe but not as powerful as Onmyo
–50% mdef debuff with rune of destruction (very very powerful in late game content)
-rune of justice holy damage is boosted by mastema
-knockback/knockdown immunity with 1 point in rune of protection
-run fast with rune of giant (can’t use your ff/lock skills though)

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That’s my build. Fun as hell.

This is a non-issue. Remember that spr also increases your magical critical attack, so even with int based class you want some spr. My char has Ignas ichors (the int/spr ones) + asio rod ichor + wastrel shield ichor… I can tell you that’s enough spr to play. Use int/con ichors for the rest and you should be fine. Not only your summons will be powerful (remember to get a good one like Ignas or Froster Lord and use Desmodus to power them up), but your other skills will do a lot of damage.

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