Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock c3 full con?

Hey. Is full con or con spr mix still more usefull than full Int? Im a returning Player and wondering if they buffed int (better matk Scaling) and/or nerfed con/spr

1 int = 2.5 matk, so 360 int = 900 matk.
I will advice all new comer to put 50-80 CON on their new char. Saw a lot newbie death in cm’s stage 5…

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I would go with con mix am full SPR and some bosses mobs can kick my butt too fast for the slow as f potions to save me D:

Full Int (pve)
You can get HP+CON from other things, if you need.

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INT/STR are still underwhelming… they clearly should give more attack boost, especially since weapons have been buffed by 50%. I’ve recently used a stat reset potion on my Warlock to put 150 CON on it and I don’t regret it at all, it makes endgame content much smoother while still retaining high attack power.

Anyway, stat allocation isn’t primordial… what counts is the total of your allocated stats and the boni from equipment. Your stuff gives huge CON boost? Go full INT. It gives huge INT boost? Go full CON. With all the events and resets, it’s raining stat reset potions anyway, so you can reallocate your stats as you wish when you get an equipment upgrade anyway…

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Still pretty useful, though, since it allows you to achieve high levels of attack–supposing you find ways to stack it–while you happen to be underfunded. It does what it needs to for people who are just starting out.

Speccing into secondary stats (i.e. non-damage stats such as SPR, CON) works because the weapon on its own provides the largest increase to attack when enhanced and transcended. SInce at that point the total percentage contribution to attack from stats is an almost insignificant fraction of what you get from weapons, you spec into secondary stats to min-max what is otherwise a pittance to shore up shortcomings in other areas.

am aiming for WL 3 am near C2 (1/2 C1 :expressionless: )

FULL SPR can get all my skills on CD and still don’t need SP Pots, they are there just for stpd enemy skills that drain sp…

Could use some CON and INT, but that I get from gear…