Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock C2 > Drain

All information i can find about this skill is older than 1 year.
I really never considered this skill but some skill build are suggesting it to put 5 points into it.
I mean +50% Dark damage is surely nice. But so far i know this skill used to be bugged.

So i’m wondering now: Is this skill/buff still a bugged trash or did imc fixed this skill?

And if it does work, how does it add up in the formular?

It increases dark property damage by 10% per spirit absorbed. The guides recommend putting 5 points into it because of Dark Theurge (summons 5 spirits for you to absorb with Drain). It’s a free +50% dmg for your Warlock skills (also interesting if you intend to follow the Warlock2 Shadowmancer2 path on rank 10), so it’s a great skill now.

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thanks for you answer!

So does it work like Preperation of Fencer? E.g. if i deal 10k to an enemy, through Drain +50% it’ll be 15k damage?

Yeah it works like that. It makes Pole, Mastema and Demon Scratch hit like a truck.