Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock C2 Build for Elememe!

just curios any other possible class viable after wiz3link2/3 aside from warlock and FF?
I know the common would be wiz3link3wl2 or wiz3link2necro3 but may be wiz3link2sorc2sage or wiz3link2thauwl2?

You do realise that matesma has been reworked ? I garantee you itā€™s waaaaaaay better then flame ground

And sage, well from what i have seen sage dps is also a joke, realisticly you have 2 damaging spell, one is a one hit ā– ā– ā– ā– , and the other is 4 hit ground with okay damage and long cd so no sage does not outdps a wl2.

Sage just gives utility, the duplicate is nice, and the aoe increase form what i have seen is meh.

The shield for projectiles is pretty good tho, even god tier in pvp, but i dgaf about pvp in this game, since itā€™s awfull. So in the end sage is just another utility circle.

sorc will give you the cat buff, and itā€™s very good, but out of thatā€¦
Temple shooter will get outscale so hard itā€™s gonna be useless, and well itā€™s the only other ā€œgoodā€ skill (i have a sorc 2 so trust me on that).

I find thau weak, the buff it gives are all outscaled in the current game so imagine laterā€¦ i think you are better off taking linker3

I actually agree that Linker3 with War2 can definitely outdamage Ele3 with War 2ā€¦ Idk if I should continue my Elememe any more. If ever Iā€™m rerolling a new wiz, Iā€™d probably go for Kino3ā€¦ You guys think itā€™ll still be a viable build when Rank8 comes?

Just curious

Wonā€™t frost cloud still remain good? I mean jp + mm combo can only do that well against the number of mobs that can be linked. If we were to talk about hoards of mobs wonā€™t front cloud still be better since it can hit more mobs? Or am I missing out on something

Frost cloud will not instsntly kill a group of mobs with 300k hp. After casting frost cloud elementalist is in for a downtime and would not have the tools to deal with the remaining mobs. While JP > HK > MM can easily kill those. Target is limited to the JP level though which can be a disadvantage.

This is correct. Wiz3>linker paths do not excel in swarm scenarios in the same way that elementalist does. Whether Frost Cloud remains practical through rank 8 is yet to be seen however. I feel it isnā€™t very futureproof.

Iā€™m seeing frost cloud that deals 13k per tickā€¦ Isnā€™t that viable on a 300k hp mob?

Iā€™m guessing that is with a really good set of equips and over 80% attributeā€¦

You mean this video right?
The player has lvl 100% Frost Cloud enchant and Pure INT (true pure int, 0 CON).

Yes, that. Also one from tosbase (public builds) guides says he deals around 13k a tick of FC as well. Mine can deal around 4k a tick with 100CON rest int and with only 30% attribute and no ups superior corona rod.

Anyhow, iā€™ll be rerolling to Kino for a more pvp oriented classā€¦ Still havenā€™t decide for my rank 7-8 classes.

Iā€™ll be going wiz3, is that OK?

Yes and also he has max chapparition card if you look at the video, every 30sec he pops a pot and gets 50% increase magic damage.
So it litteraly does not gat any better, but to achieve that point lets be honnestā€¦
100 forst cloud lel
5 chap card + int i guess lel
full int no con lel


Yeah, bloody damn hard and expensive.

I have seen the PvP Wiz3 Kino3 FF2 perform well in the PvP vid :
If you pair FF2 levitation + sage Missile hole teammember, you will be immune to melee and block several missile+magic hits. Blood curse is very strong if you have high HP. Players havenā€™t tested yet whether levitate may be shared through linker (?).

I think Wiz3 Ele3 Linker1/2 is a better damage boost than warlock2 (joint penalty mechanic too strong), and better party support boost.

Yes. Itā€™s because KToS has more silver, and easier to get silver at KToS.
Frost cloud = flame ground 2.0 at endgame (?).

ā€œI think Wiz3 Ele3 Linker1/2 is a better damage boost than warlock2 (joint penalty mechanic too strong), and better party support boost.ā€

HELL NO, either you suck it up and buy JP scroll, or you forget about linker. All we can do is gamble that wl3 is gonna be god tier.

Ele3 is still very strong currently. Or reroll into Wiz3 Link3 warlock2/ff2, unless JP gets nerfed again.

I strongly believe that there is something wrong with how the damage is multiplied while JP is active, so i guess itā€™s safe to say that JP is as good as to-be-fixed in the future.

Anyway, I created this simulation, what do you think of this build?

Should I rather go cry2 instead of wiz3? My only fear is i may not be able to sustain PP or other channeling skill if iā€™ll let go of Wiz rank2ā€¦ Cry rank 1 does not look appealing, moveover.

Iā€™m guessing Warlock3 would have a god tier AOE skill that supercedes the damage of that of POA and FC.

that is a a pure pvp buid, and well idgaf about pvp.
but yeah good pvp build

So I guess the main damage that comes from wiz is JP+MM and if JP does not work the way it does now wiz is poop tier uh