Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock as a Psy3

Hi guys! I’m new for this board

Currently I’m a Wiz3 Psy3 and planned for Warlock to enhance my DPS and bossing, I read a lot topic in this board but still curious, I’ll be glad if you guys can help me with these question

  • I saw a lot of post about to chose Invocation over Mastema, Does Invocation good or just better than the another?

  • How long does the spirit from Invocation actually last?

  • How long the buff (from attribute) the dark spirit give you last?

  • How large the AOE of the buff given?

  • As a Psy3 will Mastema as a filler be better than Invocation? this is why I think Mastema MAYBE better for ONLY in my case
    - I doubt if I can benefit from dark spirit since my DPS skill have to channeling for long time,
    Imagine this
    Invocation > Gp (Let’s say I don’t crash here ;b) > Dark Thurge (Let’s say the spirit still there after channeling) > Evil Sacrifice (Or PA)
    this sound like Invocation time is gone and I can benefit buff only once per invocation cast

    • I will be a hybrid PVP player

    • I don’t think Invocation give me more DPS when bossing, else very conditional

    • In 2 minutes you can have either
      3 cast of Mastema
      30% more damage of 2 cast of Dark Thurge and a cast of of PA (If you succeed to set up all the condition)

This is just what I imagine from what people said and my experience so far, So I’m not sure which one to go

Thank you :smiley:

I can’t say much about the Psychokino part but I can answer the Warlock:

Invocation is good versus Mastema because at level 5 it can do a couple of hits (iirc about 3 hits per Invocation spirit) unlike Mastema which is just a small aoe (smaller than Frost Cloud) and only does 1 hit.

Invocation spirits’ duration depends on level of Invocation. At level 5 the spirit will last 45 seconds UNLESS a mob has gotten in contact with it. However if a mob does die to Invocation spirit and your buff icon for Invocation is still there, a new spirit will happen.

Buff duration of Invocation spirits last as long as the spirit is there–so it’s level dependent on duration UNLESS the mob has already come into contact with the spirit and does not end up producing another. Aoe range of the bonus I can’t measure, but it’s relatively small. That being said you have to be close to your Invocation spirit.

Also take note despite Evil Sacrifice having a cast bar you DO NOT need to wait for it to go full before you can release Invocation spirits / Dark Theurge spirits. That cast bar is a lie; it’s just there for target purposes

Also take note Invocation spirits have strong aggro; chances are they’d go to the spirit versus you unless you’re already dealing continuous damage to the mob.


Boss-wise the only time Invocation helps is when you destroy the traps the boss will lay. From there you have spirits you can either hurl due to Evil Sacrifice or benefit a bit from the dark bonus before boss targets the spirits.

Pole of Agony is your DoT, but Dark Theurge will be your main dps skill in Warlock currently.

Hope that helps!

Thanks dude!! That’s really help :+1:

Whats your stats allocation ? Full con or half and half ?

Almost 1:1 now and not sure where to go next, I wanted to be a little tanky but not full con all the way. Maybe I’ll stop allocate in con after 200Con or 180