Tree of Savior Forum

Warlock and Summoner synergy

Is ruined.

Dear IMC,

For two class that seems to synergize so well together, why did you ruin it?

For what reason did you have in mind, when you decided that summoned devil’s kill does not count as my own? If I wasted 2 circle as a sorc from a linker only to find that invocation does not proc on my summon’s kills, what other motivation do I have to go on?

Sure I can still use the 10% attribute, dark piller and little nuke, but half my class is gone when I can’t summon spirits.

Not to mention sacrifice is bugged to hell when thrown spirits collide with each other mid-throw and blow up before hitting the target. Smart.


I was really disappointed when I found this out too. The description for Invocation is misleading because it doesn’t say that it has to be your kills to count. I probably wouldn’t have picked Warlock if I had known that beforehand.

This probably is a bug, send a ticket. It doesnt make sense at all.

Alright I will, thanks.