Tree of Savior Forum

Wanna make a ToS Summoner. Inspect my build

so don’t know too much about wizards but i know i want a summoner class badly. that said finding a good combo of classes to work well together is not too easy. i have a sample build of what i am kinda going towards and would like some opinions of you all don’t mind. this build is test phase and can be changed very easily. Also i plan to level almost exclusively on energy bolt since i want the extra skill points for summoner in r7. I will also be going for a strong int/spr based build with at least 20 con. please let me know what you think?

You cannot save skill points from one class to a different class.
A wizard-wizard-linker will have 30 wizard points and 15 linker points.

Aside from that your build isn’t too bad. I’d take Cryomancer over Wizard 2 though. Your summons are pretty dumb and are much better at attacking frozen, immobile targets.

Wizard 2 is a waste I think. You get nothing from Wizard 2 that helps any class. You get Surespell but none of your classes have cast time. Energy Bolt doesn’t get better and Reflect Shield doesn’t really do much unless you focus SPR and even then.

I have a Wizard C3 at the moment and just surviving Rank 2 was rough with just energy bolt. I don’t think you want to do do Wizard > Wizard > Linker. I’d suggest Pyromancer or Cryomancer for your second rank. I’ve never used Psychokino, but I know they synergize with cryomancer. Something to think about I guess.

Aside from that, for a summon themed build it looks good to me. I would have gotten summon salamander myself, but that’s your call.

I truly appreciate all the info guys. i have taken it and decided to change it up a bit. i prefer pyro to cryo so taking that into consideration changed the build to the following.

The r7 is still up for grabs as to weather the final 2 skills of sorc c3 are worth it and if there might be a different r7 to go for. i am also thinking rune castor might be a good combo with this build. please more thoughts.