Tree of Savior Forum

W3 kino3 wl2 / w2 kino3 sorc1 wl2 / w2 kino3 necro1 wl2 for pvp?

Which one is better at pvp??

Do u think warlock2 need qc +50% damage att??? As the previous warlock nerf is not apply anymore…

Or maybe i can choose sorc1 for the cat buff increase dark damage??

Or i choose sorc… That has deathly combo Magnetic Force + Flesh Cannon

Sorc dark damage buff is like 50 raw damage, not 50% so it almost does not exist. Previous nerf does not apply, but here is the new one - Anti-Dark sets 60% cheap one or 80%expensive one. But still warlock does quite strong damage. But I would go Wiz3-Psy3-WL-Sage1, sage is very good for surviving in PvP, it even blocks damage from Inquisitor Magic-Missile-like skill, which deals up to 30k damage almost off screen.
MF - Flesh Cannon is not that easy to use and not all 16 hits manage to land after MF ends. Here ping and targets move speed is very significant. Also, Flesh Cannon does not hit targets in Raise in PvP.

Yes warlock sage is more sirvivability… But i want warlock3…so i need to get wl2…

Actually i didnt experienced much at tbl…infact my highest char is lv 200 ele3…


Then just eliminate necro

Whih one do u think better

  1. W2 kino3 sorc1 warlock
    At max level i think TS has nice damage at pvp… And boss cant be cc ed…so i think its a good protection from enemy’s channelimg skill…if the enemy stuck at 1 place then they will be hurt by my TS…
    TS damage is not affected by Rhevisan set…so i think its a good additional damage whne i caught enemy is raise + PoA
    Ts, salamion, bats i think its a good decoy (meatshield) for archer (aim me? If u miss then u will hit my bats/ts)

What do u think about this??

Can my boss summon damage replace +50% qc add damage??

And at pve side… Do u think having 1 skill MM is better than having TS???

Please enlight me

Kino3 will soon get an uninterrupt cast attribute, so you dont need wiz2. I would not go sorc1 at all. Sorc2 is ok since on kToS it scales partially with matk. Ts damage is easy to avoid.
I cant compare MM and TS. I would go classic wiz3-kino3 as a base.

I just dont play a lot now. The game is too raw. PvP is often like 2vs5 because of bugs. Also, that if you win or lose mostly depends on if enemy team has or not diev3/kabba. And if yes, you most likely lose anyway. So, I would first play any class I enjoy and wait for some balancing. Mf-Raise-PoleOfAgony already does a huge amount of damage even with resistances, this is just a reliable solid combo in 5vs5 TBL, so if you want play as wl3, just make wiz3-psy3-wl2 and hope that wl3 is a strong class. Sorc1 is not future proof at all. I myself never got any troubles with sorcs. Psy/diev/high damage warlocks/archers/cata3 they are really dangerous.
If I would to make a sorc, then I would make something like:
wiz1-cryo1-link1-cry2-sorc1-sorc2-cry3-sage, specially with the new buffs to cryo3 and sorc2.

diev c3 oracle kabbalist c1 inquisitor.
you welcome