Tree of Savior Forum

W2>Linker3>Thaum3>RC> Now what?

Pretty much what the title says. Enchanter, ff, w3, sorc, warlock or what?

I took Sorc. Warlock might be ok if you want Mastema bonus for Justice.

Warlock is good indeed. You will burst not only your rune of justice but most of clerics skills. with wizard3 you can go for lethargy’s attribute and better surespell, quick cast protect shield and sleep. I would prefer wizard3.

What do u guys think about w2 l2 thau3 chrono?

I like Linker3 better than Thaum3. Lifeline is just too great and Spirit Shock gets that great C3 attribute.

I’m wondering between Warlock for Mastema debuff and Sage for Missile Hole (is it still a thing?)

I assume it’s a full SPR build? I’d prefer sorc in that case. Cat buff is a nice support, not to mention summons can do some damage in a full support build.

What is so good about RC in this build by the way?

Edit: @Borel I think that is the build that fully utilizes SPR. But I would prefer wiz-x-x-thaum3-chrono3-sorc.

I was talking about the meme support build atm.

I believe that he wants to use that mdef reductions from linker 3 and rune of destruction.

If the thing is only to be a good spr build, I agree with your build, but with wizzard3 to buff Marnox.