Tree of Savior Forum

W2 Link3 RC FF1 SM2 thoughts on R6/7

Jumping back into ToS after a year break and some thoughts on where to go with Rank 6 and 7. I’m guessing it’s not a good idea of grab low circle/rank skills in upper rank slots… I mean it sounds right. So that would leave me with with the title build and a few other options spinning in my head that are Int based.

  1. W2 Link3 RC FF1 SM2. Looks cool on paper, just have to level it.

  2. W2 Link3 Necro1 FF1 SM2. Throwing this out there. ToS wiki is sketchy at best for current info, but as for necromancer are all the skills spirit based or just the minions? Flesh cannon, flesh hoop and gather corpse is what I’m interested in out of necromancer for more AOE. Minions from what I remember break links early, so I’d like to not use the shaggoth since I’d be going with Int instead of spirit. Also, necro and featherfoot both debuff decay at circle 1. Do they stack?

Anyone played these builds? I came yesterday, so missed out on the resets or I’d try them myself. :frowning: I have an elememe warock 1 already, just find it boring to play. Also have a circle 3 alchemist with around 10k mana pots, so not worried going Int based chugging pots.

Sm2 on a full int build is somehow unsustainable. With sm2 skills have fast cd and high overheat, sp pots cant catch up. If you’re willing to have no skill damage for 2 mins or so just to regain sp, it’d be fine.

Necro1 is not a good circle. It doesn’t offer any real benefit as the nukes are quite weak, and it’s missing the good skills of Necro2/3 (Skeletons, Corpse Tower). Those skills then would need SPR to function.

FF1 is missing the high power staple skills of FF like Kundela Slash, Enervation, and Blood Curse.

SM2 needs at least some investment of SPR from equipment or stat points or you will be SP starved. Potions may not be enough.

All in all, I’d advise taking either of the C1 classes further in circles if you plan to use them.