Tree of Savior Forum

W1+cyro1+psy3 +?

I know there are plenty of this discussion but I have narrow down a bit and looking for your vote and suggestion

so after 7 rank it will be either

W3 psy3 Cyro1
I cannot go warlock for r7. It is too late.
Is this build ok? It can combine icewall+pp freeze and dmg for pvp gvg
It can also provide higher dmg output along with surespell


W1 psy3 cyro3

This pretty much cc god, but I dont like the lower damage and interuptable PP

I am looking for who already had experience with the above build. Please help me. I so desperately needs suggestion. Personally I prefer the first one but I need someone to support, otherwise I will have to go the second.

Sorry for my english.

I would say wiz1 cryo3 psy3 is better choice for PvP. You don’t need that much Surespell to secure your PP, you’re not supposed to be a main damage dealer with Psy3. More a great CC/secondary damage dealer, and allow your team to kill.

You won’t benefit a lot of 50% cast reduction of Quick Cast, since Psy3 hasn’t any long cast spell, so you’ll only benefit of the 50% dmg bonus from Quickcast, on PP and Gravity Pole.

Ask yourself if getting Sleep lv15 instead of Sleep lv5, +50% dmg on Gravity Pole and PP is better than getting huge Ice Wall + Snow rolling + Frost Pillar + Subzero Shield. So like i said at start, w1 cryo3 psy3 sounds best on paper.

That being said, you’re free to build whatever you like, almost everything in this game remains useful, even if not optimized.

Edit : Another possible build is Wiz1, Cryo1, Psy3, Thauma2 with Reversi, Swell Left and Right Arms, and Transpose (but it means you should’ve build full int for full effectiveness of your transpose).