Tree of Savior Forum

W1 - Cryo3 - Sorc2 - War2 - Sage1 DPS Viable?

Kinda tired of my elememe, so given the build, Is this a viable dps?
I need suggestions on how to make this more efficient, class-wise, skill-wise, and maybe gear-wise.
Thanks in advance.

Sage1 is a support class, sage2 is a bit better at dps. Recommend you to pick warlock3 instead for dps. Refer to this thread: [Class] Warlock Thread

As grey said, wl3 is straigh better dps than sg1.
Currently, wiz1-cryo3-sorc2-wl3 is a strong build because of summon aggro and frost pillar. But be aware that soon it is going to be nerfed (both aggro pull and frost pillar). Still, you can reset when the time comes