Tree of Savior Forum

W 3 > ELE 3 > W 2? Why not W 3 > ELE 3 > Pyro 2?

Hi guys!

So, I have a W 3 / ELE 3 and I was wondering about something:

Why Warlock 1 - 2 is better than Pyro 2 for elementalists? Arde dagger gives additional fire damage, boosting the damage of pyro skills, meteor and prominence. Pyro skills don’t have cast time, working similar to pole of agony and invocation. The CD on pyro skills is way lower than warlock’s. Pyro 2 + Ele 2 gives an atributte (Using Fire property attacks to finish nearby enemies will cause an explosion and splash damage by 80% with a 30% chance) to all fire spells (Meteor, Prominence, Fire Pillar, Fireball, Flame Ground) and it seems to be a pretty damn good boost on AoE damage. Warlock 2 doesn’t seem to be a good choice at all for rank 8 class (I didn’t liked the 2 new spells, but since I didn’t reached R7 and R8, can’t tell for sure if its good or not).

So, why warlock?

Thank You!

Because you are taking a R2 class on R7.


It’s just that? Thougt it was something more complicated. Thank You!

I have seen some people taking Wiz 3 -> Pyro 3 but never with elementalist in the build…the closest thing people would pick is wiz -> pyro 2 -> ele 3.

It may or may not work…

Simple. Pyro’s damage already falls off by that point.

Also, Arde still boosts damage of every attack, so it still benefits Warlocks, and everyone else that can deal damage.

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As a Pyro3>Chrono3… I can say Pyro damage fall off pretty fast
Flameground Tick Way slower than FC (1/3 and lower base damage)
Fireball got a fixed 4 aoe ratio (Small mob = 1 Defense ratio/ M = 2/ L = 3) and can be knocked around.
Firepillar CD is pretty big.
Enchant Fire Will not really matter this much for you at least.
Flamewall isn,t that good whitout linker or pyro 3.
Flare … Well let just not talk about it … XD

Honestly There a reason why people go for Warlock. You can take something usefull like Linker At a different rank that will alway be strong but you can’t really compare a R7 Class Dps to a R2 Class Dps
Pole of agony hurt, Dark Thurge Hurt Alot (Also if you love pvp it an amazing killer spell) And everything else.
I got a friend who is eleme/warlock and she really don’t regret it and love invocation when she farm silver in lower lv zone (Like Demon Prison)

Finaly, Like said before, Arde or any other proprity bonus attack already boost your spell damage. Soo you can just go warlock and enjoy it!
And the Pyro/Eleme Passif seem nice but when you think about it. It an 1 Damage time explosion that proc sometime on FIRE kill only BY YOU for less than 100% of your damage and Eleme are mostly know for their Frost cloud :3 (Also Hail isn’t that bad and I personaly kinda like elctrocute.)

Hope that help you :3 Have a good Lv up !!!


Thank You! I thought that "Fire property attack" would only benefit fire spells. Didn’t know it works for all damaging spells. The atributte its not OP, but useful and kinda interesting. Too bad that we have to get pyro 2 to buy it. Well, Warlock, here we go!

Pyro 2 dont really have a good dmg, but u dont need a good dmg to choose this class you already have frost cloud, all you need is some skills to use when your frost cloud is in CD, warlock is strong but is a single target class like featherfoot with linker is more powerfull, pyro have many aoe skills, you are not the only dmg in a party so have pyro’s aoe skills are not that bad… also rank 7 and 8 have good classes that you can choose, like rune caster then sage , once again not perfect classes for dmg but both have good skils to use in frost cloud Cd…you dont need to be fulll dmg skills if you already have the best DPS skill in the game atm… so I wouldnt worry about that

Warlock 2 is no the best to go too, because is melee mage that bad, if you are full int and low con you will crying later.

cus pyro is bad even at R2…

I have pryo3/chrono3 and pyro is god mode in early and mid games but become sht tier super fast after you hit rank 5. But it’s a nice class to combine with chrono because it’s like some damage with decent support and solo is very easy. It’s more damage than cryo3/chrono3 except no cc. For solo the flame pillar is like a mini cryo tree thing. So would I combine pyro and ele? Hell no. Looking in the future there is no absolute solid dps class for wizards right now. Warlock has problems such as small radius, melee range, long cd. However Warlock c3 could be very good so you can look forward to that.

Thank you! I was a little bit unsure on which class should I get after I hit rank 7/8. Warlock C2 didn’t look good to me at all. It seems pretty shity. I thought about Sage C1 after I read about the radius of Warlock skills, and I think it will be good for those who picked Pyro. But, yeah, I guess I’ll just pick Warlock C1, C2 and look forward to C3 and hope It’ll be better.

Macrodimension doesnt improve the radious much (10%)

Thank you! Really? I thought that the skill was replacing the area of ​​the spell cast on it. Good to know!