Tree of Savior Forum

Vyolfers' Art Shack (,;,w,;,)/

Hiyaa Vyolfers here o3o

I’ve been playing ToS ever since iCBT and I’ve made several fanarts. So I thought I’ll share it with you guys here :smiley:

This shall be my artdump, so any ToS related scribbles and doodles from me will be posted here~

-Lazulite Solsticia-
My iCBT Cleric

-Rein Zylvionn-
The Rune Caster

-NPC Rein-
What if he is an NPC? =w=

-Lazuree, Wing of Vaivora-
My current Cleric <3 ;w; Here’s the speedpaint if you are interested :smiley:

-Lazuree doodlez-
Some doodlemeroodles o3o

-Lazuree PD doodlezzz-
My in-class doodle, dun kill me please school. Me good student

-MushoTen NekoMaid feat. Vuvuzela Doodlez-
Mum wants to be a doodle and a doodle he shall be!

I also submitted an artwork of my Pyromancer for the Fan Art Fest, check if out if you are interested. ouo)~


omf cute art aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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;//A//; omg, thank you so much senpaijdahslkdjha

i love the screenshot thngy holy hsit its so cool

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lurks me too.      

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All arts are adorable, especially the 2nd one. o-o

Congratz! XD

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your art is amazing! I literally have no words~

lemme borrow your skill sometime ☆ ~ (> ω・)

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I like your rune caster sorry


T-thank you! (O w <;; ) ~


eehhhjh, ommgg thankks >///7///< I’m really fond of him too but…

sometimes… I have a hard time seeing him being like super cool LOL. as a character he is super derpy
(o v o;; )


It’s okay I’m sure he can be super cool if he doesn’t talk /shot

Doodled in class yesterday xD


ohh what have i found here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Great stuffs son

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A doodle for @Musho_o =w= you bobo mum~ <3

maybe I should start updating this thread again orz


You should do something for this spring contest!!

Ahh, yeah I actually wanted to participate since my other 2 drawings didn’t win >: I have a few ideas but not really sure which one to go with.

I have some idea how about instead of Sakura leafs withering from the trees you replace them with talts :smiley: instant win confirmed

I THINK IF YOU ARE THE JUDGE THEN YEAH xD want me to draw you being bullied huhh?!

no pls it was a mistake :frowning: DONT DO IT PLZ :cry: