Tree of Savior Forum

Vital element of MMORPG (Wedding day Edition)

I have some realizations after the horrible lag that we experienced last maintenance; we can’t use pots for quite a while thus some resorted into using bonfires. Although some might violently react towards this one however don’t you love it when you just sit down and talk about what’s happening? Relax and taking it slow while you’re having laughs and memes with your fellow party member? That’s a vital element of an MMORPG, we need fun and less stress over things.

Today, we’ve been investigating some fellow guildies and it turns out to be real, our guildmate seems to be dating each other. We crashed orsha and made a rushed wedding unsuspecting of the two. It was a fun moment wherein guild (slaves) members gather to support our fellow couple. A lot of guests (invited and uninvited) went, it was a truly fun moment.

Although some hearts must have been broken being at the ONIICHAN / IMOUTO Zone,
Let’s take a deep appreciation with how vital Fun and Enjoyment is in a MMORPG, join a guild if you haven’t, you might feel that everything is boring but once you see the MMO element in a guild you’d have fun with it eventually.

Congrats Earl and Cipheria!

/posttoedgyforsome #justsomeedgythings


ALSO Don’t ask how much TP was spent lmao, we got a bunch of (Whales) supporting IMC members.

That’s cute. Really really cute. I’m really happy for the couple!

Btw, is this a feature or you guys just layed down and did everything to this screenshot? Like equiping the costumes and using that book to summon this altar?
I’m not playing the game anymore, but I like to know about it.

We had a guild member that had the book, some were equipping the free costumes (bestman/bridesmaid) and some whal–, I mean some who bought tp specifically for weddings day costume wear theirs. We just layered the book, someone played the wedding day music box and went for the ceremony!

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We need more of these stuff and less p2w items.

So not a feature… What a shame.
It’s cute, though. It would be A LOT better if were a feature with some bonuses, like teleport to your SO.

@BryanLoeher Unfortunately IMC themselve denied this for the moment, they’re focused on reducing the “lag” ehem- and improving the overall current state of the game. While most of us have mixed opinons regarding weddings, yes I believe it is good.

@AllyAlly yup, totally. More fun things is good!

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